Installing PKGs to an External Hard Drive
This page will explain how to install pkg files to external storage.
Extended Storage Feature
- Any drive with a minimum size of 250GB and USB 3.0 will work.
- Backup any valuable data as the drive will need to be formatted.
- Plug it into the PS4.
- Navigate to Settings>Devices>USB Storage Devices.
- Select the drive and choose Format as Extended Storage.
- After formatting you will be able to install pkgs directly to the drive.
- Kernel panics or unplugging the drive may give you issues see the FAQ's Rebuilding FPKG Database section for help.
Using Itemzflow
By Using Itemzflow you can move an installed game to a USB to external drive. This will allow you to keep normal functionality of the drive unlike when using the extended storage option above.
- Moving game content back to the internal drive wipes DLC and Savedata so make sure you back it up with Apollo Save Tool.
- If the game is already installed open Itemzflow if not install it the
- In Itemzflow locate the game you want to move and select it.
- Choose the option "Move to USB" then select which part of the game content you want to move
- Game/App is the base game.
- Patch is the game update.
- DLC is additional content.
- Allow it time to move and verify the move.
- Move the desired game content and then you can unplug the drive and use it normally but do not try to open the game while the drive is not connected.
App2USB is very buggy and is not recommended! Both testers and the original creators have urged users to use the official Extended Storage function instead! |
App2USB is a homebrew method to transfer and run games and applications to a external HDD. App2USB was originally developed and released when the latest exploited firmware was 4.05, and the official Extended Storage feature was added in firmware version 4.50. As a result, it functions differently from the official way (creating symbolic links, similar to having a shortcut on internal while having the content on external), having both some advantages and some disadvantages.
Some notable advantages over Extended Storage feature:
- Uses a non-encrypted exFAT filesystem, meaning it can be read and written from any PC.
- Supports any type of HDD or SSD, up to 8TB of maximum storage.
- Is recognized by the PS4 as a USB drive, meaning it can be used alongside Extended Storage, adding a total of 16TB of external storage (8TB App2USB & 8TB Extended Storage).
Some notable disadvantages:
- It is very buggy, can crash your system and can corrupt your USB.
- Can only be used on exploited PS4s.
- Requires the content (games and apps) to be first installed to the internal HDD, then to be moved to external storage.
- Does not work in rest mode, can crash your system if sent to rest mode.
How to use app2USB
- Install your content on internal HDD via Package Installer or Remote Package Installer or IPI etc.
- Prepare your USB drive by formatting it as exFAT.
- Download and copy app2usb.ini to the root of the USB drive.
- Edit the app2usb according to your preferences. Each value has its description. By default, it will copy every single game and app (excluding system applications) to the USB drive. If you are fine with this, ignore it.
- On your PS4, insert the USB drive.
- Go to either an exploit host like Karo's and load app2USB payload or load app2USB via Payload Guest or send it from your PC using GoldHEN's Bin Loader feature.
- Wait until you get the All Done notification.