Topic on User talk:Pac-Mario64

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You're understanding that every 1080i refresh consists of 540 rows, right? With two refreshes required to construct a fully interlaced frame of 1080 rows? We're not talking about 1080p, where every refresh would need to include 1080 rows.

To be clear: it's not that two-cycles-per-frame is a GT4-specific behaviour, or even a PS2-specific behaviour. It's simply the way that interlaced display modes function across the board. You specifically require 540 rows per refresh in order to produce a 1080i signal.

Also keep in mind that the construction method of the source rows doesn't matter - the point is that the actual signal that comes out of the PS2 can be 1080i. Whether or not "upscaling" is used to achieve it is irrelevant.