UIX Lite

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UIX Lite's main menu

UIX Lite is a modification to the Microsoft Dashboard which patches the dashboard for allowing more customization, and adding a title launcher. Unlike most custom dashboards, UIX Lite doesn't feature FTP services. The main difference is the addition of a "Launcher" option on the main menu. Selecting this will search for applications and games stored on the HDD.

The latest version is v0.4.


Unlike most dashboards, UIX Lite must be run off of the C: partition. You must have MS Dash 5960 installed before proceeding, or you'll end up with error 21. Simply place the patched file on the C: partition.

Language Support

You can add German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese language translations by placing the optional xlate.xbx into the C:\UIX Configs\ folder. This currently does not support Chinese, Japanese, or Korean Characters. Japanese and Korean will work for games and some menu options, while Chinese will crash the console with error 21.


As of UIX Lite v0.4 you are now able to apply custom skins to UIX Lite. Simply replace the skin.xip and xboxdash.xbe with ones from a prebuilt skin or use the tools created by Rocky5, and provided here, such as the Xboxdash 5960 Colourizer to patch the colors in the xboxdash.xbe or the UIX Lite Skins Maker to create your own custom skin.