NES:Video Output Notes
Original Famicom
Being a product of its time, the original Famicom only has RF out as its sole video output. It is also rather subpar being susceptible to interference and plagued with jailbars. The jailbar issue is largely due to a combination of poor board routing and insufficient decoupling between the 5V and ground rails. Thankfully, the Famicom can be modified for composite video and even RGB with an NESRGB kit.
NES front loader
Twin Famicom
Famicom Titler
The Famicom Titler, released by Sharp in 1989, is very unusual in that it is the only consumer-level version of the NES/Famicom hardware to use an RGB PPU, specifically the RC2C05-99 chip. Despite this, the Titler does not actually have RGB output (although it is rather trivial to add). However, the Titler does have S-video out, making it the only NES/Famicom system to have anything better than composite video. Due to its use of an RGB PPU, the color palette on the Titler is significantly different than a system with a standard PPU and certain games are incompatible due to how the RGB PPU handles color emphasis bits.