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 h English (en)* '''Custom Matrix:''' Allows the user to turn ''On'' or ''Off'' CSC by enabling/disabling the Input RGB to XYZ conversion matrix and settings applied to the Gamma/PQ.
* '''Prevent Clipping:''' Automatically scale the CSC matrix so that highlights are not lost at the cost of making the image dimmer. Can be set to On or Off.
* '''Saturation:''' Controls the color intensity. Lowering it turns the image black and white. Raising it makes the colors more intense. Can be set from -1.0 to +1.0.'''
 h 日本語 (ja)* '''Custom Matrix:''' 入力 RGBからXYZへの変換マトリックスとガンマ/PQに適用される設定を有効/無効にすることで、CSCを "オン(On)"または"フ(Off)"にする。
* '''Prevent Clipping:''' Automatically scale the CSC matrix so that highlights are not lost at the cost of making the image dimmer. Can be set to On or Off.
* '''Saturation:''' Controls the color intensity. Lowering it turns the image black and white. Raising it makes the colors more intense. Can be set from -1.0 to +1.0.'''