Marty:CPU Upgrade
486 CPU Upgrade
Marty uses a 386 CPU clocked at 16mhz (from a nearby 32mhz clock. Divider is set by 2) running on a 16bit BUS on the motherboard. What this means is that with a 486 CPU upgrade there are few changes or enhancements to gameplay.
It also runs a tremendous risk of damaging the motherboard when removing a CPU with 100 pins. However, if you wish to proceed there is a known good example from Deunan.
Two methods can be used to remove the CPU. Chipquick is recommended for anyone skittish about using hot air. The second method can be hot air provided you have experience in removing large ICs such as Saturn/Dreamcast BIOS chips for example. If you upgrade the CPU it is recommended after the operation is confirmed to add a heatsink. The 486 CPU runs hot in Marty. A low-profile heatsink such as one meant for a Raspberry Pi is recommended.