PS4:Orbis Suite

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Exclamation-circle-fill.svgOrbis Suite is in WIP (Work In Progress) state. Some functionality may not be implemented. Please make sure you are compiling the latest version of the suite!

Orbis Suite[1] is a fully featured suite of homebrew tools to help aid in developing and debugging on the PS4 console. Replacing Orbis Toolbox payload, the next version of Orbis Suite has been completely rewritten with a new GUI, now launchable through a homebrew app, gone is the need for a payload.


  • Library / API for integrating with the Target Console.
  • User friendly and reactive UI.
  • Memory Peek n Poker
  • Library Manager (can be used to load custom Libraries!)
  • Debugger (Coming Soon)
  • Console Output (Nice filtered view of the console output.)
  • Neighborhood (Used for easy interaction and saving of Targets.)
  • Custom UI Elements on the Target Console.
  • Re-Implemented Debug Kit features for a retail console. (Like launching homebrew from the App_Home.)
