
From ConsoleMods Wiki
Revision as of 06:02, 8 December 2023 by Old Kid (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Profiles= The RetroTINK-4K includes an SD card with a set of Profiles, CRT Masks, Color Correction Profiles and more from the talents of FirebrandX, Wobbling Pixels, Exrems, Kuro Houou, pram0d, Cyo, MrMoro, austinbroth, Chungo, and (anyone else I'm forgetting). This page serves as wa comprehensive list of every profile included with the release.")
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The RetroTINK-4K includes an SD card with a set of Profiles, CRT Masks, Color Correction Profiles and more from the talents of FirebrandX, Wobbling Pixels, Exrems, Kuro Houou, pram0d, Cyo, MrMoro, austinbroth, Chungo, and (anyone else I'm forgetting). This page serves as wa comprehensive list of every profile included with the release.