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Adrenline is an application that can be used on homebrew enabled PS Vitas and allows for booting a full PSP custom firmware with support for plugins, PSP homebrew, and PSP game backups.


  1. Download the VPK of the latest Adrenline version from the provided link.
  2. Transfer to the VPK to the PS Vita's memory card with FTP or USB with Vitashell and install it.
  3. Exit VitaShell and open the LiveArea bubble for Adrenline.
  4. Press Cross to download install the official 6.61 PSP firmware.
  5. Adrenline will automatically close itself when the download is finish. Launch the app again.
  6. Press Cross to install the PSP 6.61 firmware.
  7. Press Cross to boot the PSP home menu. (Also known as the XrossMediaBar, or "XMB")
  8. Go through the initial first time setup.
  9. The installation of Adrenline is now complete. To close it, hold the PS button to open the quick menu, then select Settings -> Exit PspEmu Application

Adding the Adrenline Plugin

This is needed to fix the double launch issue.

  1. Open VitaShell.
  2. Navigate to tai/
    • If ux0:tai doesn't exist or does not contain a config.txt, press again and then navigate to ur0:tai
  3. Press Crosson config.txt to open it in the text editor.
  4. Highlight the *KERNEL line with the cursor and press Triangle to open the menu.
  5. Select "Insert empty line" and highlight the new blank line. Press Cross to edit it.
  6. Enter ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW/sce_module/adrenaline_kernel.skprx on the new line you just created.
  7. Press Circle to close the line editor and text editor.
  8. When prompted, press Cross to save your modifications. Close VitaShell and reboot the PS Vita.
    • If your device does not have Ensō, you will need to manually launch and exit h-encore to enable homebrew
    • This is required to load the new kernel plugin added to ux0:tai/config.txt

Adding PSP Games

Any PSP or PS1 games downloaded from the Vita's PlayStation Store will automatically be put in ux0:/pspemu/PSP/GAME. Manually installing PSP homebrew will also go into this directory.

If you want to install ISO dumps of games, they instead go to ux0:/pspemu/ISO.

Adding Plugins

Installing plugins is exactly the same process as installing them on an original PSP.

  • Transfer the plugins to ux0:/pspemu/seplugins with either FTP/USB in VitaShell or USB Mode in Adrenline.
  • Add the file path of the plugin(s) to either vsh.txt, game.txt, and/or pops.txt depending on what the plugin can be used for.