SNES:Scrambled Screen Issue

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Revision as of 02:17, 10 September 2024 by The Retro Channel (talk | contribs) (Added extra info and alternative clock fix)
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You may encounter an issue where your screen becomes scrambled or glitchy as if sync is lost. This is a hardware issue with the SHVC-CPU-01 SNES having a weak clock signal. Titles that use enhancement chips, and early models of the SD2SNES and FXPak Pro may make this issue more prevalent, as described here.


Video scrambling as shown below:


  • Apply a Dual Frequency Oscillator (DFO) mod to your SNES or a de-jitter mod. Either one will strengthen the clock signal of your SNES to normal levels.
  • Alternatively, removing the capacitor at C5 and bridging R6 will also work to strengthen the clock signal.
    Locate C5 and R6 on the underside of the board, towards the front
    Remove C5 and R6, and bridge R6, leaving C5 unpopulated