Odyssey:Magnavox Odyssey Homebrew Games
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Since the launch of the OdysseyNow Project, five game packs of new titles have been released in limited quantities:
List pulled from [1].
Odysseynow Game Pack 1 (Released 07/04/2019)
- Tannhauser Gate
- Fukushima
- Super Cat and Mouse: Cheesy Castle
Odysseynow Game Pack 2 (Released 23/11/2019)
- Danceoff
- Soccer (reproduction)
- Team Volleyball
Odysseynow Game Pack 3 (Released 02/06/2020)
- Et Tu, Brute
- The Haunting of '72
- Interplanetary Voyage (re-release)
Odysseynow Game Pack 4 (Released 02/12/2020)
- Superfund
- Mothership
- Super Cat & Mouse: Prison Break
Odysseynow Game Pack 5 (Released 16/11/2021)
- Bathysphere
- Earth
- Immunity
Non-Odysseynow Releases
List pulled from [2].
Released Homebrews:
- Odball by Revrob
- Mentis Cohorts by Revrob (I know there's been a dispute about people not getting this one. Did anyone actually get a copy?)
- Red vs Blue by Revrob
- Dodgeball by Atariland2600
- Odyssey Evil by ManCaveArcade
- Captain Bruce by Atariland2600
- Tannhauser Gate by zhorton
- Fukushima by zhorton
- Super Cat and Mouse: Cheesy Castle by zhorton
- Hunting Adventure by ManCaveArcade
- Soccer (reproduction) by zhorton
- Team Volleyball by zhorton
- Danceoff by zhorton
- Peacekeeper Command-o by Revrob
- Spacewar by Mikebloke
Odysim Exclusives:
- Santa's Gift Hunt
- Spot Hunter
- Jack-O-Lantern Odyssey
- Midway's Haunted House
- Frogger
- Pac-Man: Eat & Run
- Space Invaders
Unreleased Homebrews:
- Yar's Revenge by Atariland2600 (Announced 2011)
- Stomach's Revenge by Atariland2600 (Announced 2011)
- six² by Atariland2600 (Announced 2019)
- Trumpocalypse by zhorton (Announced 2019)
- First Fantasy: Tales of Odyssey by Mikebloke (Announced 2019)
- The Semi-Impenetrable Fortress of Doom by Atariland2600 (Announced 2019)
- Zombie Outbreak by ManCaveArcade (Announced 2020)
- Donkey Kong for Odysim (Announced 2020)
- Gosub for Odysim (Announced 2020)
- Squares of Tron for Odysim (Announced 2020)
- Burgertime for Odysim (Announced 2020)
- Carnival for Odysim (Announced 2020)
- Asteroids for Odysim (Announced 2020)
Presumed Abandoned:
- Lava Monster by TheMichaelLant (Announced in 2014. Confirmed Pending in 2015. TheMichaelLant could not be reached for comment in 2019.)
- Hadeaus War (or War of Semmis) by djfurreh (Announced in 2015. Confirmed Pending in 2017. Currently trying to reach djfurreh for comment.)
- Hide and Seek by djfurreh (Announced in 2016)
- Dragonhunt by djfurreh (Announced in 2016)