Dreamcast:Removing 12v Regulator

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This tutorial goes over how to remove the 12v regulator on the power supply. This is recommended to do only whenever using an ODE, such as the GDEMU, since it generates unnecessary heat after removing the GD-ROM.


The following materials are required for this mod:

  • Desoldering equipment, such as a desoldering gun, desolder pump, or wick
  • Philips screwdriver


  1. Remove the top cover of the Dreamcast. IFixIt has a helpful guide here with pictures on how to remove the top cover if needed.
  2. Once the top cover is off remove the 2 Philips screws holding the power supply into place, and take note where the regulator is (as shown below):

Dc psu removal.jpg

Dc 12v.jpg

  1. Flip the power supply over and desolder the 3 legs of the regulator.

Dc 12v desolder.jpg

  1. Flip the power supply back over and unscrew the Philips screw holding the regulator in place, and then pull it out. Enjoy!

Dc 12v done.jpg