Storage Manager

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Storage Manager is an application that allows you to remove individual game saves from your 32KB of internal memory. While there is a dedicated Storage Manager disc that came with the Panasonic FZ-EM256 (256 KB Expandable Memory Unit) released in Japan, there are a few games that have the Storage Manager on the disc.

Game Guru, on the other hand, is an unrelated third party save manager with advanced features.

Games with Storage Manager

The below games were tested and found to contain the Storage Manager in some form.

Game Notes
3DO Interactive Sampler CD 2 Press Stop at the main menu to access Storage Manager.
3DO Interactive Sampler CD 3 Press Stop at the main menu to access Storage Manager. Known as "The 3DO Multi Game Sampler Number 3" in Europe.
3DO Interactive Sampler CD 4 Hold L or R and press C at the main menu to access Storage Manager.
Panasonic REAL 3DO Interactive Multiplayer - Sampler CD (ZAZ) Identified by DFJN5001ZAZ on jewel case and disc. Does not include Storage Manager.
Panasonic REAL 3DO Interactive Multiplayer - Sampler CD (ZBZ) Identified by DFJN5001ZBZ on jewel case and disc. Select the REAL Machine option on the main menu, hold L or R and press Up to rotate the console, then select Storage Manager. The European and Japanese versions do not include Storage Manager.
Alone in the Dark Asks to free up space if needed, choose "Make Room" to view the non-standard Storage Manager and select a save to delete.
Casper Choose the "Storage" option on the main menu to access Storage Manager.
Corpse Killer Select Options, then "Delete NVRAM File" to be presented with a custom Storage Manager.
Cannon Fodder Asks to free up space if needed, choose "Make Room" to access Storage Manager.
Defcon 5 Press Start, choose Options (second option) and choose Save Game (first option) to be presented with a custom Storage Manager.
Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller Press L+R at the main menu to bring up Storage Manager or if when you attempt to save in-game your storage is full, you will be prompted if you want to delete files and be taken to the Storage Manager.
Storage Manager - Memory Kanri (Japan) Boots straight to a more advanced Storage Manager with the ability to press Start to switch device and hold shift to do "Copy All" and "Remove All" operations.
The Horde (Demo) Click "Load Game" to access save menu with the option to delete all non-Horde game saves. Deletion options only appear in the demo on [[3DO:Game_Samplers#Live!_3DO_Magazine_CD-ROM|Live! 3DO Magazine Game Sampler #2].
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger From the flight deck screen, press B then A to go to the flight control room. Press R then A to activate the main terminal. Choose "duty logs" then "storage manager" to access Storage Manager.
Wolfenstein 3D Upon saving, if there is no room then it will send you to Storage Manager automatically.
  • Despite multiple sources online stating so, 3DO Interactive Sampler CD #1 does not have Storage Manager.

Game Save Names

Game saves are sometimes named oddly, so this chart shows what the corresponding games are.[1]

Filename Game
aaaaa.tim The Incredible Machine
acd.playlist Audio CD+G
Audio CD Programs Audio CD Programming
CNBTESTSAVE Crash and Burn Tournament Mode
cpubach.dta CPU Bach Information
DemolitionManHighS DemolitionMan High Score
Drive Over Driving (Japanese) Need For Speed
DriveHS Over Driving (Japanese) Need For Speed
EA_JMF94_Jap John Madden Football 1994 (Japanese)
EA_JMFB94 John Madden Football 1994
EA_JMFB94_GREATS John Madden Football 1994
EA_RR"number" Road Rash
EA_SkWv"number" Shockwave
EA_SKWvMD"number" Shockwave Operation Jumpgate
FIFA2. FIFA Soccer
FireBall.JDW Fire Ball !!
FP_Takeru_1J Takeru
FT-WACKY-"number"J Wacky Races
GameGuru.CFG Game Guru
GEX_Videos GEX
Gridders by Tetragon Gridders 
hand_ch"number"_reika_data Virtual Puppet
HBS_MASK_00J Ghost Hunter Series
jpieasyhighscores Jurassic Park Interactive
jpihardhighscores Jurassic Park Interactive
jpimedhighscores Jurassic Park Interactive
jpisavedgames Jurassic Park Interactive
KE_HAODEN_1J Nobunaga Haouden
KE_WINPOS_1J Winning Post
LaunchOrionOffroad 3DO Interactive Title Sampler 1
MC_PKING_"number" Guardian War
MC_PKING_"number" J Powers Kingdom
MC_PUPPET_J Puppet Tales
mc_ss_j Lucienne's Quest
melee.cfg Star Controller II
nitetrap.inf Night Trap (Japan)
PIV_KURAMA1J Kyoto Mysteries
PIV_NanKl1J Travel Mystery
PrefsForWolf3D Wolfenstein 3D
RH_HAUZERJ Doctor Hauzer
RH_InsecterJ Insector War
S3P 3DO Interactive Title Sampler 1
SC_GORAKU_1J Theater Wars
SC_GORAKU_2J Theater Wars
sockid.hi Soccer Kid Soccer Kid
starcon2."number" Star Control II
swc_game."number" Super Wing Commander
swc_game."number" and Super Wing Commander (Japan)
SY-TETSU-1J Tetsujin
T&E-Pebble-#1 Pebble Beach Golf Links
TE_Augusta_1J Masters (Japan)
TE_Devils_1 Wicked 18
TE_Pebble_2J Pebble Beach Golf Links (Japan)
TE_PRcfg_J Incredible Machine
TE_PR_1J Incredible Machine
TE_Waialae_1 Waialae Country Club
tim.cfg The Incredible Machine
TR_LETTER_J The Letter Over Time (Japan)
Trial.Set IGO Time Trial
Trial_"number" IGO Time Trial
vcd.playlist Digital Video Module (DVM) MPEG
V_NONTAN_00J Nontan Volume 1
WayScores Way of the Warrior
Wing_3.1.8f."number" Wing Commander 3
Wolf"NAME" Wolfenstein 3D
wsjr Who Shot Johnny Rock