RetroTINK-4K/Firmware History

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Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgThis resource is no longer updated, please see The RetroTINK Firmware GitHub instead.

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This page includes the latest RetroTINK-4K firmware update, as well as all past firmwares if you need them. Use this page to revert back to an older version, or to see a complete list of changes and additions to the RT4K since its release.

Exclamation-circle-fill.svgFor the initial update from the launch firmware, it is recommended to update by pressing and holding the reset button as you insert the USB cord rather than through the menu.

Version 1.3.4

Patch notes:

  • Added XBR Smoothing
  • Added Enhanced S-video
  • Improved chroma response/sharpness for regular S-video
  • Added 3D Comb filter for NTSC composite video
  • Improved PAL composite and S-video
  • Improved ability to track and hold poor VHS signals
  • Improved MiSTer DV/Analogue decimation detection
  • Minimized glitching during horizontal resolution changes
  • Added option to blank video during major resolution chanes to minimize visual glitches
  • Improved S/PDIF detection
  • Various bug fixes

Version 1.2.1

Patch notes:

  • Added special Sega Saturn auto-sampling support.
  • Complete rewrite of the auto-sampling/auto-phase algorithm for improved stability for all systems.
  • Complete rewrite of the inverse 3:2 and 2:2 telecine deinterlacers for improved stability and response time. Games that have moderate pace changes such as FFX should now be playable.
  • Added the ability to generate pseudo-interlaced scanline (i.e. 480i style scanlines from 480p inputs, 1080i style scanlines from 1080p inputs).
  • Improved Analogue DAC support including auto-calculating the decimation factor
  • Fixed various HDMI audio compatibility issues including audio glitches for Atomos recorders and missing HDR infoframes when run through AVRs.

Version 1.1.0

Patch notes:

  • Added MiSTer DV1 support for auto-decimating and auto-cropping video output from cores
  • Enabled Auto-Cropping for HDMI® input sources
  • Scanlines and masks are automatically rotated correctly when the video is rotated
  • Added additional LCD effects including RGB and BGR subpixel layouts
  • ‘Wide Tolerance’ sync mode added for sources with poor sync signals such as NEOGEO and Atari 2600/7800
  • 1080p60 → 1440p120 CVT-rb fixed
  • Fixed file handling to ignore ‘.’ files introduced by Mac OS X
  • Improved audio compatibility with some displays and Atomos capture devices
  • Various bug and stability fixes
  • For the initial update from the launch firmware, it is recommended to update by pressing and holding the reset button as you insert the USB cord rather than through the menu.

Version 1.0 RC26