Dreamcast Model Differences

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Page content & researching taken from io55.net's Dreamcast page and albalog.blog.hu's posts (specific pages in references) with permission, in collaboration.

There is only one Dreamcast model, but three revisions are within it.

Models + Revisions

Models are arranged chronologically. Revisions are underneath their respective model.

Disclaimer for Japanese Dreamcasts only:

Japanese Dreamcasts have markings that are different than NTSC-U or PAL units. They don't have the typical number at the bottom with the circle around it denoting if it is a VA0, VA1 or VA2.

The best listing on the net currently explaining differences between Japanese models is located here. Ultimately the data plate on the BOTTOM of the Dreamcast is still the best spot to determine if it will work with an ODE but it is done differently than NTSC-U and PAL units.


Dreamcast (1998 - 2001)

Aftermarket shells like the one used for this red Dreamcast (themed after wrestler "Dr. Death" Steve Williams) are universal with all revisions of the Dreamcast, since the VA0's motherboard can easily fit into that of a VA1 or VA2 bottom half shell. Top half shells do not differ between any of the revisions. This red Dreamcast has fit all revisions inside of it throughout its life. However, an original VA0 bottom half shell has a different fan placement, while VA1/VA2/aftermarket shells are universal in nature.

The only model of this console. Up front are four controller ports, while the top has the drive, plus power & drive door buttons. The left side has nothing, and the right side has the large extension port, by default taken up by the Dreamcast’s 56k modem (which is removable). On the back is the AC out, AV out, the line/ethernet port (depending on the peripheral installed in the extension port), and a serial port meant for link cables. There is nothing on the bottom except for the model number label and regulatory information. Later revisions have a supposedly better drive, but to the detriment of installing certain ODEs. All Dreamcasts have certain issues between the power supply board connection, but this can be fixed with just a clean, or a soldering/replacement job.

VA0 (1998 - 1999)

General info:

These systems can be hard to find in North America and especially in PAL countries, and are definitely more common in Japan. Some have debated if PAL VA0s exist, but photos of one manufactured in April 1999 are available. Here, the motherboard runs hotter, warranting a more robust cooling solution with steel pipes connected to a plate above the two CPUs. Some say the VA0s have a superior build quality.

To identify, look at the bottom of the system; look for circled 0 to the left of the NTSC-U or PAL code on the sticker.

BIOS and compatibility info:

All disc drives of the Dreamcast revisions are universal. Circled in yellow is where the laser ribbon detaches. The VA0's disc drive is also the same, with the same voltage and no voltage conflicts. The VA2 uses a different ribbon cable, but with the exact same ribbon cable pin slot.

Playing burned games is possible on a VA0, and this revision is capable of running DreamShell. The VA0 uses the BIOS v1.004 with chip MPR-21068, which has full MIL-CD and CDI disc image format support.

ODE status:

As of March 2025, the only ODE known to work natively with the VA0 without any soldering is Terraonion's MODE. Similar to the VA1, the VA0 has a 50 pin BTB connector.

GDEMU for VA0s require the 5 volt resistor networks on the motherboard to be replaced, as GDEMU run at 3.3 volts. If not done, both the VA0 console and GDEMU risk getting damaged. After it is installed, the VA0's 5 volt GD-ROM daughterboard can't be reused given the change in the motherboard's voltage, but a VA1's GD-ROM daughterboard can because it runs at 3.3 volts like GDEMUs do.


Parts for VA0 units are hard to come by since this revision uses an exclusive daughterboard, controller port and fan type not found in any other revision.

Using a controller port and fan from a VA1/VA2 will result in an unresponsive system on a VA0.

However, the VA0 can use the same PSU and disc drive as the other revisions, which are universal.

The Noctua fan mod isn't compatible with the VA0.

A Dreamcast's disc drive daughterboard, found in the VA0/VA1. The daughterboard pictured above is from a VA0, which runs at 5 volts. The VA1 daughterboard looks very similar, which runs at 3.3 volts. However, the disc drive after being detached from the daughterboard is universal between all Dreamcast revisions, freely being swappable.

VA1 (1999 - 2000)

General info:

The vast majority of NTSC-U and PAL Dreamcasts are of the VA1 revision, also considered by many as being the most user-friendly revision for the average user.

To identify, look at the bottom of the system; look for the circled 1 to the left of the NTSC-U or PAL code on the sticker.

BIOS and compatibility info:

Playing burned games is possible on a VA1, and this revision is capable of running DreamShell. The VA1 uses the BIOS v1.01d with chip MPR-21931, having full MIL-CD and CDI disc image format support.

ODE status:

VA1s are capable of running ODE replacements with relative ease, thanks to the VA1 having a 50 pin BTB connector as well as running at 3.3 volts. Also in part due to its BIOS, no modchips, major modifications, motherboard alterations, etc. are required on VA1s.


Given how common they are, VA1s tend to be the easiest to find replacement parts for.

Disc drives on a VA1 run from a 3.3 volt daughterboard, and a 5 volt daughterboard from a VA0 is not recommended to be used as a replacement part, as it could cause damage the VA1 console. However, the disc drive with the laser assembly itself is swappable between all Dreamcast revisions.

With the exceptions of the VA1's daughterboard and the motherboard, every other part of the VA1 (disc drive, PSU, fan, controller port, console shell, etc.) can be swapped with the VA2.

The Noctua fan mod is compatible with the VA1.

VA2 (October - December 2000)

General info:

Relocation of the VA0/VA1 disc drive connectors from the daughterboard onto the main VA2's motherboard. They use the same connectors, slots and disc drives, allowing for easy replacement and repair of original physical drives.

Quite rare, but not as rare as the VA0s, although this is not confirmed. To identify, look at the bottom of the system; look for the circled 2 to the left of the NTSC-U or PAL code on the sticker.

For this revision, the drive microcontroller is now relocated and integrated into the motherboard itself, thus it has no GD-ROM daughterboard slot like the VA0 and VA1. This makes using an ODE device like the GDEMU impossible. Even when an ODE is soldered directly or by way of a printed circuit board (PCB) bridge onto the motherboard, it won't work due to Sega changing the number of game data pins, possibly as a means to prevent mods that use the daughterboard slot from working on the VA2.

The VA2 uses a long, detachable orange ribbon cable that has a different shape than the VA0/VA1. However, both ends of this cable have the same 16-pin slot to connect the laser eye mechanism to the motherboard. Also, the disc drive switch (which allows discs to be played when the Dreamcast lid is closed) connects directly to the VA2's motherboard via a detachable wire. This is different than the VA0/VA1 disc drive switch, where it is physically mounted onto the daughterboard.

Both the VA2's ribbon cable and disc drive switch are unique to the VA2 revision only, with the disc drive switch being particularly rare. Unlike the VA2's ribbon cable, where an aftermarket ribbon cable exists, there is no aftermarket version of the VA2's disc drive switch.

Despite these notable differences, the VA2 uses the same laser disc drive as the VA0/VA1. Instead of connecting to slots on a daughterboard as in previous revisions, the disc drive connects directly to the motherboard. Slots on the VA0/VA1 daughterboard were simply relocated to the motherboard of the VA2.

The VA2s are made in China (either WK or SA initials), being made from October to December 2000 in North America and PAL regions. Some Japanese consoles that were made in Japan (made by ASAHI Electronics or Ugo Denshi) lasted into first quarter of 2001. The VA2s were the last Dreamcast units made before discontinuation was officially announced on March 31, 2001.

ODE status:

As of March 2025, there is no ODE for any batch of the VA2, and is likely to remain impossible due to Sega shrinking the number of game data pins.

In June 2024, ModzvilleUSA and Al Balog made a collaborative attempt (video) to get a GDEMU running on a VA2 Dreamcast. The attempt involved using both the original MPR-23588 chip and a region-free BIOS chip on a VA2 console from late November 2000, as well as various GDEMU-related software and formatting methods. For this mod, ModzvilleUSA soldered a custom printed circuit board (PCB), designed by Al Balog, to the IDE data signal pins on the motherboard. The PCB acted as a bridge, connecting a female VA0/VA1 connector to the VA2 motherboard.

During the modding process, the GDEMU was successfully detected by the console, even passing through the Dreamcast logo startup screen animation, with the GDEMU lighting up orange to indicate successful communication. However, after the startup sequence, the console would immediately redirect to the BIOS. Pressing "Play" in the BIOS menu would prompt the user to insert a game disc, with the CD audio player displaying a "99 tracks" error. For typical GDEMU errors, the console is supposed to display a black screen for a long time, and/or show the Dreamcast logo hang before going back to the BIOS.

In March 2025, while working on an enhanced version of Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child, Al Balog reported on his blog that he had a VA1 console experience an identical VA2 style error error as seen in ModzvilleUSA's video. After trying everything possible to fix this error on his VA1, Al Balog as a last resort pressed his fingers hard against the corner of the GDEMU that was right above the VA1 slot. The VA2 style error on the VA1 no longer persisted, and the console would boot and play normally.

Al Balog would further examine why this happened. He showed and explained how the 50-pin BTB connector has 33 data pins. In comparison, the VA2's motherboard only has 28 data pins out of of those 33. Instead of these 28 pins being on a conventional connector, they are instead scattered across the front and back of the motherboard.

In essence, it is most likely Sega deliberately decreased the number of data pins on the VA2 to 28 down from 33, scattering them across the motherboard, so that future mods and unofficial devices that rely heavily on the user-friendly BTB connector (like the GDEMU) won't work. If this theory is true, it's much like how Sony removed the parallel port from the SCPH-9001 and PSone batches of the PlayStation, after unofficial devices reliant on the parallel port started getting popular.

BIOS and compatibility info:

An early VA2 that can play burned games (pictured left) and a later VA2 that can't read them (picture right), with BIOS information scans below each one. While the last North American VA2 was made in December 2000, the last Japanese VA2 was made in March 2001 based on the bottom lid date code (arrow on 3 and 01).

VA2s made in October and early November 2000 can play MIL-CDs, burned games and DreamShell natively, given that BIOS v.1.01d was used on them (chip labeled MPR-21931), the same one used on the VA1. These early batches of the VA2 are also known by their nickname VA2.1 because of this retained compatibility feature.

Starting in batches made in late November 2000, the BIOS has been changed to v1.022 (chip labeled MPR-23588) to prevent the loading of MIL-CDs and burned CD games, which also prevents DreamShell from being used (as it uses a boot MIL-CD to start the device).

The chip for the v1.022 BIOS was mass produced during the later half of October, but it didn't start being used in motherboards until a month later in late November. This BIOS does not have any security against burned GD-ROM games or GDI dumped games. Burned GD-ROMs are extremely rare, and are typically associated with developer prototype game discs. The updated BIOS security only applies to MIL-CD and CDI file games.

When replacing a VA2 motherboard with that of a different revision for repair and/or GDEMU purposes, the protective steel needs to be trimmed to make room for the BTB connector, or swapped with another revision's steel.

The only two solutions to solve this issue on the later batches is to have a region free BIOS modification done via soldering, or replace the motherboard with that of an earlier BIOS.

No matter the unit's date or BIOS, the only possible way for a VA2 to run a ODE is to replace the VA2's motherboard with a VA1 motherboard. However, the VA2's protective metal blocks the VA1 motherboard's GD-ROM slot, thus requiring the protective metal to be replaced with a VA1's metal. Alternatively, the VA2's metal can be trimmed to make room for the GD-ROM slot, but it is risky considering the VA2's metal has two attached layers, making it thick to cut. The console shells and heatsink plates of the VA1's and VA2's are built exactly the same, allowing a motherboard swap to be done.


The VA2 can have its disc drive replaced with that of a VA0/VA1. First, it needs to be separated from the GD-ROM daughterboard and steel casing, and the ribbon cable detached from the laser eye mechanism. Then, the VA0/VA1 disc drive's two JST connectors (with the red/white/black wires) need to be plugged into the VA2's motherboard, and the back slot of the disc drive's laser eye connected to the VA2's orange ribbon cable.

The VA2's disc drive switch is hard to find replacements for if it gets damaged, but the disc drive itself is easier to find as it is universal with all Dreamcast revisions. For the VA2's ribbon cable, aftermarket cables have been made, the first of its kind debuting in January 2025.

With the exception of the VA2's motherboard, every other part of the VA1 (disc drive, PSU, fan, controller port, console shell, etc.) can be swapped with the VA1.

The Noctua fan mod is compatible with the VA2.

Manufacturer Information + Initials Guide

North American Dreamcasts have initials on the bottom label of the machine, indicating the country it was made in and the manufacturer it originated from. Japanese Dreamcasts list the full name of the manufacturer with the country it was made in. PAL Dreamcasts don't have the manufacturer information on the bottom label, only the country of origin.

WK: Made in China by Wong's Kong King Int'l (Holdings) Ltd. Manufactured VA0s, VA1s and VA2s. Only manufacturer that made the SEGA Sports Edition Dreamcast.

SA: Made in China, unknown manufacturer. Manufactured only VA2s.

SD: Made in Japan by Sanwa Denki Kogyo Co., Ltd. Manufactured VA0s and VA1s.

TK: Made in Japan by T. TKR. Manufactured VA0s and VA1s.

UD: Made in Japan by UGO DENSHI. Manufactured VA0s, VA1s (for Japan only) VA2s.

AE: Made in Japan by ASAHI Electronics Co., Ltd. Manufactured VA0s, VA1s and (for Japan only) VA2s.

GS: Made in Indonesia, unknown manufacturer. Manufactured only VA1s.





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3tNCkY3CY4 (ModzvilleUSA! video on running a GDemu on a VA0)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkz9X5S70FQ (Blaine Locklair video on running a GDemu on a VA1)



http://www.tankgirl.info/8bit/images/sega/dreamcast/modem.jpg (removed modem, reveals EXT)

https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0049/8719/1386/products/image_ed7b0f8a-d94a-4749-9ca9-cca916f238f8_500x205.png (sticker on the bottom, showing the circled number for revision)

https://web.archive.org/web/20210518194534/users.skynet.be/t_chan/dc/mylist.htm (in-depth info about the manufacturers & Japanese manufacturer initials)

https://segaretro.org/WKK (WK on made in China batches means Wong's Kong King)

https://albalog.blog.hu/2024/01/24/va2_dreamcast_kiserlet (proof of it being possible to swap the VA2's components with VA1 components to run burned games and/or GDEMU)

https://albalog.blog.hu/2024/03/06/a_titokzatos_sega_dreamcast_va2_revizio_alapos_felfedezese_resz (defeated the GD-ROM security of the late November and December 2000 VA2 units, the BIOS chip only protects against MIL-CD and CDI burned games)

https://mcretro.net/sega-dreamcast-pal-revision-va0/ (proof of PAL VA0 machines existing)