Jaguar:Jaguar GameDrive CD Compatibility List

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This list is a community made list documenting the compatibility of Atari Jaguar CD games on the Jaguar GameDrive.

Important Considerations

  • The CD playing feature is in beta state, so functionality is not guaranteed.
  • All CD images must be converted to .jcd format using CD2JCD (archive).
  • Even if your SD card plays normal Jaguar games without any problems and is a "name brand" card, it may have issues with CD games. If your experience with the below games differs from the listed status, try another SD card. Common issues seen with incompatible SD cards is FMVs repeating often or crashing, games crashing, freezing on transitions where data is loaded, scrambled graphics, or missing audio.
  • CD games must be loaded on the SD card contiguously. This means that any time you wish to add or remove games from the SD card, you will need to format the SD card (as FAT32), then copy all games over at once so that it is fully contiguous and not fragmented. If a game is not contiguous, the GameDrive will detect it and not attempt to run the game.


Name Status Notes
{{unplayable}} Unplayable For games that do not work.
{{intro}} Intro For games that will not progress past the initial Jaguar boot screen.
{{menus}} Menus For games that will not progress past the menus.
{{in-game}} In-game For games that you can actually play with issues.
{{playable}} Playable For games with very minor or no issues.
{{untested}} Untested For untested games.

Official Games

Game Name Status Notes Firmware Version Tested By
Baldies Playable Fully playable. Junk data shown for "Load Game" option V1.15 Derf
Battlemorph Playable Long initial load after Atari Jaguar intro V1.15 Derf
Blue Lightning Playable Long initial load after Atari Jaguar intro. May have to try multiple times before it loads past the intro screen V1.15 Derf
Brain Dead 13 Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Dragon's Lair Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Iron Soldier 2 Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Myst Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Primal Rage Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Space Ace Playable Fully playable. Pause only functional if you hold the pause button V1.15 Derf
Vid Grid Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
World Tour Racing Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf

Demos / Prototypes / Homebrew

Game Name Status Notes Firmware Version Tested By
4Play / ScatoLOGIC Demo Playable Fully playable. Sometimes individual "games" won't load V1.15 Derf
Alice's Mom's Rescue Playable Fully playable V1.15 OrionSoft
American Hero Playable FMVs play; gameplay was never added to the released demo V1.15 Derf
Ants Unplayable Black screen V1.15 Derf
Atari Big Disk Untested
Black ICE/White Noise Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Brett Hull Hockey Untested
Caves of Fear Playable FMVs play; gameplay was never added to the released demo V1.15 Derf
Demolition Man Playable FMVs play; gameplay was never added to the released demo V1.15 Derf
Elansar Playable Fully playable V1.15 OrionSoft
Fallen Angels (demo) Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Fast Food 64 Unplayable Black screen after ULS screen V1.15 Derf
Fast Food 64 - Holiday Snacks Unplayable Black screen after ULS screen V1.15 Derf
Frog Feast Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
Frogz 64 Unplayable Black screen after ULS screen V1.15 Derf
GORF Playable Fully playable V1.15 Derf
JagFest 1999 Untested
JagMind: Bomb Squad Untested
Jaguar Unmodified Game Server (J.U.G.S.) Untested
Klax Unplayable Black screen after ULS screen V1.15 Derf
Ocean Depths Untested
Painter Untested
Philia the Sequel to Elansar Playable Fully playable V1.15 OrionSoft
Protector Resurgence Special Edition Untested
Robinson's Requiem Playable Fully playable. MemoryTrack support not detected by game V1.15 Derf
Soulstar Playable Fully playable. Does not boot past "Licensed by Atari" screen every time, sometimes does not load main menu if you skip the intro FMV V1.15 Derf
Varuna's Forces Playable FMVs play; gameplay was never added to the released demo V1.15 Derf
Yopaz Icestar Playable Fully playable. Level editor will show junk data for level names in unused slots V1.15 Derf