CLD-A100 Power Supply Testing

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Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgExercise extreme caution while working with the power supply in this mode. Hazards up to 180V are possible!

The Nichicon power supply in the Pioneer Laseractive CLD-A100 will not produce all of its DC voltage outputs by simply plugging it into the mains. It requires that the power switch be engaged and that it receives a "POWER ON" signal from the Interface (INTF) board mode control ASIC. However, if it is desired to test the power supply for troubleshooting or after servicing, there are two locations to short circuit in order to get the power supply into "Bench Test" mode.

Testing the Power Supply in situ

After servicing the power supply, reinstall it back to the player. When reinserting, leave the ribbon cable for VIDEO (CN1) disconnected. Further, disconnect the flat flex cable between FTSB and the CAMB (laser) assembly. This will ensure that the +/-14V rails are not connected to the pickup and no damage will occur if one of the rails has been disconnected due to an ICP failing open.

Under this condition, if voltages are present, the player will be able to eject and load the trays and move the pickup through the detection cycle as normal. The power supply voltages may now be measured via the labeled jumpers on the FTSB board, adjacent to the carriage assembly. This is sufficient to establish that the power supply is operating as intended. However, to check whether the ICP-N10's have failed, locate C835 and C836, near the group of 4 transistors. With the negative meter lead on a ground, measure C835(+) and C836(-), which should be easily accessible. If the voltage is between (+/-)13-14V on both capacitors, then the ICP's are intact, and it should be safe to reconnect the flat flex cable. Refer to the following diagram:

Power Supply Bench Test Mode

It may be desired to test the Power Supply outside of the unit without any of the other assemblies attached.

First, short the two pins of CN002 (power switch connector, NOT the spindle motor connector, CN2), which will allow the AC-DC converter circuitry on the primary side to operate. This will allow the "EVER +5V" rail to activate. A jumper may be used, or simply solder bridge the two pins on the bottom of the board.

Next, short pins 5 and 6 of CN4 together either via solder bridge, or use a cut component leg to place in the connector socket itself. This ties the "EVER +5V" voltage rail to the "POWER ON" signal line, allowing the power supply to bring up the "SW" +5V, -5V, +14V and - 14V rails.

It is now possible to measure all of the voltages on the power supply. The power supply can be inserted back into the chassis in order to use the AC power connector provided there (do not connect any of the ribbon cables at this time).

Please exercise caution - as soon as the AC power cable is plugged into the mains, the power supply will be energized. Use due diligence to ensure that nothing is shorted to the chassis when performing testing.

Measuring Power Supply Voltages

When measuring voltages on the power supply, either measure at the connectors directly, or on the side of the circuit protection element (ICP) that is electrically connected to the connector. The ICP's to measure are IC101, IC102, IC201, IC202 and IC301. Additionally, as shown in the image demonstrating shorting pins on CN4, some power supplies will already have an additional ICP-N50 element added on the bottom, denoated as "IC204." Ensure that BOTH legs of all these ICP's are within tolerance of the nominal voltage levels (+/-5-5.3V for the +/- 5V rails, +/- 13.5-14.5 for the +/- 14V rails).

When finished, remember to remove the jumpers/solder bridges and ensure that the connector pin solder joints are adequate.