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DSGBA was a Chinese OEM distributor that specialized in producing DS and GBA flashcards. The DS cartridges were available in a variety of storage capacities, ranging from 1 GBit to 16 GBit, and often or not contained Samsung or Hynix NAND flash chips. Their first flashcart to hit the market was the DSFlash2. The cartridge was powered by an Actel ProASIC FPGA and used the same logic as a retail cartridge to bypass the DS's copy protection, unlike earlier methods of booting games such as the PassMe. Later variations to cut costs reduced it to a COB ASIC (chip-on-board ASIC). The card can be connected to a PC using the provided slot-2 adapter, so it can be used just like a USB flash drive while also having the ability to flash a new UDisk if the card is booted to a recovery mode.

DSGBA supplied their licensed carts to other distributors, varying in features and better game compatibility; the DS Fire Link, N-Card, and the DS Linker were the most common.

Sometime around 2007, DSGBA closed their public presence and transferred their remaining stock to EWin to continue distribution.


All N-Card originals and clones use exactly the same hardware, so firmware from another card can be cross-flashed.

Ultra FlashPass EX: uDisk v1.45, xMenu v2.52

N-Card: uDisk v1.45, xMenu v2.55

DS Fire Link: uDisk v1.45, xMenu v2.55

DS Linker: uDisk v1.45, xMenu v2.55

Ultra N-Card: uDisk v1.23o

NeoFlash MK5: uDisk v1.45, xMenu v2.56


nrioTool - A tool for dumping the hidden SRL ROM sections, it can also be used to recover bricked carts.

XuluMenu - uDisk homebrew replacement for N-Card (original/clones).

nrioSaveTester - SRAM tester to check if the internal battery had died.

NRIO USB Disk - open-source USB mass storage device implementation; unlike uDisk, it supports any DLDI-compatible Slot-1 card in conjunction with the Slot-2 writer.

GodMode9i - Multi-purpose file browser. Supports mounting original/clone N-Cards as a FAT disk.


Ultra FlashPass EX: www.dsgba.com

N-Card: www.dsgba.com / www.superdslink.com / www.ncardhk.com / www.ncard.com.tw

DS Fire Link: www.dsfirelink.com / www.dsfirelink.nl / www.dsfirelink.net

DS Linker: www.dslinker.com / www.dslinker.cn

Ultra N-Card: www.ultracard.cn

NeoFlash MK5: www.neoflash.com

ExpressCard: http://www.xpcard.com.cn