General Troubleshooting (AES)

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Unstable Image / Losing Sync

If you are losing sync on your AES, especially when a bright screen is displayed, you may need to recap the system. You can also replace the following components for a better sync signal (as the values used on the board were for cost-cutting).

  • Replace the four 68ohm resistors near the AV output port with 75ohm resistors.
  • Add 220uF capacitors in the empty footprints near the AV output port.

Solid Color Screens

If your unit displays a solid color on the screen, check the below table for its meaning.[1]

Color Diagnosis
Blue All tests passed, cartridge not detected.
Cyan Memory card error, blank card.
Red Work RAM error in 0x100000 region.
Green Palette RAM error in 0x400000 region.
Yellow Video RAM error.
Pink BIOS self check error in 0xC00000 region.