PS1:MemCard PRO

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MemCard PRO is an FPGA and ESP32-based memory card emulator for PS1, produced by 8BitMods. It stores virtual memory card (VMC) files on a Micro SD card which can be chosen by controller button presses, physical buttons on the card, a web interface, or through integration with an ODE.


  • Micro SD card storage - advertised 8192 VMCs (122880 blocks) per 1GB of storage.
  • Two buttons on the card and controller input to switch between VMCs on-the-fly.
  • Integrated OLED display shows which memory card is mounted with read/write indicators.
  • Wi-Fi connection with a web interface and FTP server for remote control, file transfer, and settings.
  • Works with some ODEs to automatically create and select memory cards for the running game.


8BitMods advertises complete compatibility with PlayStation 1, PSone, and PlayStation 2 (SCPH-10xxx to SCPH-50xxx, fat models; PS1 games only).

Slim PS2 models and the PlayStation 3 Memory Card Adapter are noted as being incompatible with the MemCard PRO, probably both due to limited power supply.

Virtual Memory Cards (VMCs)

There is no limit to how many VMCs may be stored and used with the MemCard PRO.

On the device, each VMC has 8 "channels" (separate cards) that can be switched through with physical controls or the web interface.

VMCs are compatible with emulators, and can be transferred back and forth as long as the emulator doesn't prepend any extra data. You can check for this by ensuring that the VMC file is exactly 131072 bytes.


Micro SD Card

The SD card must be formatted and have some firmware files on it before the MemCard PRO can be used in a console.

MemCard PRO only supports an MBR partition table and FAT32 or exFAT partition types.

  1. 8BitMods recommends using the SD Card Association's Formatter to format the card (though Windows formatting will work too).
    1. Run the formatter with your SD card inserted into your computer.
    2. Select "Quick Format".
    3. Optionally, enter a name in the "Volume Label" field.
    4. Press "Format". All data will be removed from the card.
  2. Download the latest release of the MemCard PRO firmware from their Microsoft App Center page.
  3. Extract the downloaded file.
  4. Transfer "mcu.bin", "fpga.bin", and the "os" folder to your SD card.
  5. To prevent corruption, eject the card through the OS' interface.

Wi-Fi Connection

The MemCard PRO will broadcast its own Wi-Fi network to enable initial setup. Once setup is complete, it will connect to your own network.

  1. Plug the MemCard PRO into a console and power it on.
  2. On another device, scan for Wi-Fi networks until you see one called "MemCardPRO-[SN]".
  3. Connect to that network using the default password "mcpadmin".
  4. Use a browser to go to
  5. On this page, follow the interface's instructions to connect the card to your Wi-Fi network.
  6. Reconnect your device to your own network.

To find the IP address, hold down the left button on the card while it is powered on. The address will be displayed on the screen.


On the card

  • Next VMC channel: Right button press.
  • Previous VMC channel: Left button press.
  • Reset settings to default (does not erase VMCs): Hold left button while powering on.

On a controller

  • Next VMC channel: L1 + R1 + Select + Dpad Right
  • Previous VMC channel: L1 + R1 + Select + Dpad Left
  • Next VMC (will create new one if it doesn't exist): L1 + R1 + Select + Dpad Up
  • Previous VMC: L1 + R1 + Select + Dpad Down

Web Interface

To connect to the web interface, navigate to the IP address of the MemCard PRO in a browser.

The web interface has a readout of what VMC is currently mounted, with controls on the homepage to switch card channels in the same way as pressing the buttons on the device itself.

Card Browser shows a list of every VMC stored on the SD card, with buttons to hotswap, download, rename, and delete on each entry.

The settings menu has controls for Wi-Fi, the FTP server, default boot mode, display brightness, and firmware updates. If you disable Wi-Fi, you will have to reset all settings on the device and perform the Wi-Fi setup again!

FTP Server

Disabled by default, the FTP server allows for easy transfer of VMCs on and off of the MemCard PRO without using the web interface.

Once enabled in the settings for the device, the FTP server is available at port 21 (default). The card only supports one connection, so set your FTP client to only perform one transfer at a time.

ODE Integration

When using an ODE, the MemCard PRO can communicate with the emulator to obtain the ID of the game being booted. With that ID, the card can automatically create a new VMC for the game and name it appropriately according to its database.


The xStation ODE supports communication with the MemCard PRO as of firmware version 1.10.

Cybdyn's PSIO has support for the MemCard PRO on their roadmap for 2023, but does not yet support the protocol.

A hacked BIOS can be used for game identification for disc-based games.