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The PS1Digital is a mod to add direct HDMI output to your PS1. It is capable of outputting 480p and 960p, as well as 960p in a 1080p frame. It also adds in-game reset (IGR), is WiFi-updatable, has scanline options, and acts as PSNEE modchip and makes the console region-free.
It is only compatible with PU-18 and PU-20 motherboards, which can be found in SCPH-550X and SCPH-700X models.
- OSD Hotkey = L2 + R2 + SQUARE + X + Start
- Note: Select buttons inside the OSD uses R1 & L1
- Hitting L2, R2, start, circle, triangle will switch the output resolution from VGA to 1080p, it has been confirmed some tvs do like the VGA signal
Main Menu
- Presets
- Restore default settings
- Scanlines
- Adaptive Scanlines - (Description of function)
- Digital CRT - (Description of function)
- Adaptive Strong - (Description of function)
- Adaptive Strong no Deblur - (Description of function)
- Slotmasks
- Aperture Grill - (Description of function)
- Shadow Mask - (Description of function)
- Pentile Mask - (Description of function)
- Slot Mask Big - (Description of function)
- Dot Mask - (Description of function)
- VGA CRT Emulator Scanlines - (Description of function)
- Cobblestone - (Description of function)
- Wave Lines - (Description of function)
- Other
- LCD Grid 1 - (Description of function)
- Perler Beads - (Description of function)
- Aperture Grill Masks
- Aperture Low TVL 1 - (Description of function)
- Aperture Low TVL 2 - (Description of function)
- Aperture High TVL 1 - (Description of function)
- Aperture High TVL 2 - (Description of function)
- Shadow Masks
- Shadow Big - (Description of function)
- Shadow Small 1 - (Description of function)
- Shadow Small 2 - (Description of function)
- Shadow Fine 1 - (Description of function)
- Shadow Fine 2 - (Description of function)
- Slot Masks
- Slot Big - (Description of function)
- Slot Small 1 - (Description of function)
- Slot Small 2 - (Description of function)
- Slot Small 3 - (Description of function)
- Rotated Slot - (Description of function)
- Video
- Scaler
- Zoom
- 1.739 / 1.000*
- Aspect Ratios
- CRT (4:3)
- CRT2 (160:119)
- Wide (16:9)
- Custom
- DAR:
- 4:3
- PAR:
- 20:23
- DAR:
- Horiz. Interpolation:
- Sharp
- Soft
- Softer
- Off
- Vert. Interpolation
- Sharp
- Soft
- Softer
- Off
- Zoom
- Shift / Crop
- Input Horiz. Shift
- Input Vert. Shift
- Outp. Horiz. Shift
- Outp. Vert. Shift
- Crop
- Left
- Right
- Top
- Bottom
- Vert. Auto Adjust
- Deinterlacer
- Motion Adaptive *Shiny Edition GEM only
- Bob
- Blend
- Weave *Shiny Edition GEM only
- Retro FX
- H. Scanlines: Off/On
- Saturation
- Strength
- Thickness
- V. Scanlines: Off/On
- Saturation
- Strength
- Thickness
- Mask *Shiny Edition GEM only
- custom (select from presets)
- Transform
- None
- Rotate 90
- Rotate 180
- Rotate 270
- Mirror Horiz.
- Flip NE/SW
- Flip NW/SE
- Gamma Adjust: +/-
- H. Scanlines: Off/On
- Slotmask Creator *Shiny Edition GEM only
- Output Resolution
- VGA (640x480)
- 480p (720x480)
- 720p (1280x720)
- 960p (1280x960)
- 1080p (1920x1080) *Shiny Edition GEM only
- 1200p (1600x1200) *Shiny Edition GEM only
- Advanced Video
- Frame Lock
- Normal
- Minimal (lowest lag)
- Color Space
- Auto
- Limited
- Full
- Inject HDR
- off
- HDR10
- Scaler AR
- Per Output Res. Only
- Per Input/Output res.
- Frame Lock
- Scaler
- System
- Wifi
- Start Setup Wizard
- State: Connected/Not Connected
- SSID: Name of Network
- Channel: Connected Channel
- SignalQ: 100% or less
- IP: Assigned IP
- MAC:
- Web user: username to login to web UI
- Web pass: password to login to web UI
- Start Setup Wizard
- Firmware
- Release Notes
- Update Channel
- stable
- testing
- unstable
- Check for Update
- Update Firmware
- Font
- iso.font
- iso88591.font
- tremolo.font
- font2.font
- fancy.font
- display.font
- default.font
- Endless menu: On/Off
- CEC: Enabled/Disabled
- Version Check: Off/Once/Always
- Notifications:
- Animation: 500ms
- Timeout: 5s
- Font
- Game ID
- Settings mode: Global/Per Game
- EDID Info
- Expert Settings
- Extra Pins: PsNee
- Mode: inject all
- Console Server: Off/On
- Port
- Baudrate
- Word Bits
- Parity
- Stop Bits
- Extra Pins: PsNee
- Debug / Self Test
- Clock Source: CLKIN
- Clock Input
- PLL_A Lock
- PLL_B Lock
- RGB/01234567
- Snake
- Snake Game
- Factory Reset
- Info
- Device-ID
- Hardware-ID
- Firmware-Version
- Bootloader/Rescue-Version
- Wifi
- Reset