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Unirom is a custom firmware for parallel port cheat cartridges — such as an Action Replay, GameShark, or Xplorer — on a PS1 created by JonathanDotCel. The firmware installer is loaded from a burned CD and modifies the cartridge without modifying the PS1 itself. Unirom can alternatively be installed to a memory card via FreePSXBoot. Support can be found at the Discord


Features of Unirom include:

  • Ability to boot burned backups of games.
  • Ability to boot import (other region) games without color issues.
  • Ability to boot homebrew.
  • Memory card manager.
  • File browser.
  • ROM backup to/from memory card.
  • Launch homebrew from memory card.
  • Dualboot with Caetla.
  • Serial upload/download tools.
  • Kernel-resident SIO (debug games).
  • Exception handler, Hex editor, Card Editor, and other debug tools.
  • XFlash compatibility.

Installation and Usage

Official installation instructions can be found on this GitHub page.

Official usage instructions can be found on this GitHub page.


  • Unirom not booting.
    • Likely, your parallel port, cartridge, or memory card is dirty. See [[Cleaning Cartridges|this page] for instructions to clean it.
  • Game not booting
    • Check your source file. If it ends in .ecm, you will need to use the tool unecm to convert the file to a .bin and burn the new file.
    • Try booting with the opposite method.
    • Check that the disc is clean.
    • Try burning using a different burner, speed, or disc brand.