Arch Spoof

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Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgConnecting to PSN with a modified console is never 100% safe.

Arch Spoof Enabler/Disabler

Arch Spoof is an app that changes your firmware version (Syscon) to appear to be a different version. This is useful for taking a lower version CFW on to PSN without updating it. This spoofer only works with non-Cobra CFW or Rebug REX.


  1. If you have a different spoofer enabled, disable and uninstall it
  2. Download and install the package
  3. Launch the application and choose your CFW version, and select "Active Spoof" (Activate Spoof)
  4. Select Yes twice to do a hard reboot. Your console will restart and should now display a higher firmware version under Settings → System Settings → System Information
    • If your PS3 does not restart correctly, reinstall your CFW in recovery mode and try again


  1. Launch the application and choose your CFW version, and select "Desactive Spoof" (Deactivate Spoof)
  2. Select Yes twice to do a hard reboot. Your console will restart and should now display your original firmware version under Settings → System Settings → System Information
  3. Uninstall the package
    • If your PS3 does not restart correctly, reinstall your CFW in recovery mode and try again