PS2 Saves

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Whether you use the PS2 Classics Placeholder or the normal disc launcher (mount and launch), you can extract a PS2 save from your PS3, modify it, change the save region, and inject it (or a new save) back into the file system. If you use a placeholder launcher, choose the placeholder below.

Virtual Memory Cards (Disc Launcher)

  1. Open up an FTP program and transfer the <name>.VM2 file from /dev_hdd0/savedata/vmc/ to your computer.
  2. Rename the file and change the file extension to .PS2.
  3. Open the memory card (now called MC.PS2) in MyMC by clicking the first icon and browsing to it.
  4. You can now extract your save by selecting the desired game and clicking the second icon with a green arrow.
    • To inject the save back into your PS3, simply add it back into the same directory that you took it from.

Placeholder Launcher or official PS2 Classics

You will need ps2classics_GUI - Alternatively, it is included in AldosTools.

Extracting a Save

  1. Open up an FTP program and transfer the SCEVMC0.VME file from /dev_hdd0/home/00000001/ps2emu2_savedata/TITLEID to your computer. PS2U10000 is the title ID for the placeholder launcher.
    • The "00000001" directory is the first profile on the console; if you have multiple profiles, you may have to guess which one is yours.
  2. Put SCEVMC0.VME into the same folder as ps2classic_GUI and open a command prompt from that folder (Shift+Right Click in the folder > Open Command Prompt).
  3. Type the command "ps2classic vd cex SCEVMC0.VME MC.PS2" and press enter. This will decrypt your memory card.
  4. Open the memory card (now called MC.PS2) in MyMC by clicking the first icon and browsing to it.
  5. You can now extract your save by selecting the desired game and clicking the second icon with a green arrow.

Injecting a Save

  1. Open up your .PS2 memory card in MyMC.
  2. Select the first icon with a green arrow and browse to the save file you wish to inject.
  3. Save the memory card to the folder containing ps2classic_GUI with the file name "modded.ps2".
  4. Open a command prompt from that folder (Shift+Right Click in the folder > Open Command Prompt).
  5. Enter the command "ps2classic ve cex modded.ps2 SCEVMC0.VME" and press enter. This will re-encrypt your memory card.
  6. Open up an FTP program and transfer the SCEVMC0.VME file to /dev_hdd0/home/00000001/ps2emu2_savedata/PS2U10000. The "00000001" directory is the first profile on the console; if you have multiple profiles, you may have to guess which one is yours.
    • Occasionally, the memory card will not show up or update on the XMB, even after a reboot. To fix this, launch a PS2 game, then back out to the XMB.

Changing Save Region

If your game has the same exact save structure between two different regions, you can convert your save to a different region. The three regions are NTSC (North America), PAL (Europe), and NTSC-J (Japan).

  1. Follow one of the above tutorials to extract your save.
  2. Download and run PS2 Save Builder (mirror).
  3. Select File → Open and choose your extracted save.
  4. Take note of the title ID (such as BESLES-12345 or BASLUS-54321).
  5. You will need to find the title ID of the region you want to convert to. You can do this by visiting the respective database page, and doing a Ctrl+F search for your game: NTSC, PAL, NTSC-J
  6. Replace all instances of the old title ID with the new title ID. Usually the RootID field will need to be adjusted, as well as the data in the table below it. You can edit a row in the table by clicking the name, waiting a second, then clicking the name again.
  7. Save your file using the save icon in the top left, and inject the save back into your PS3.