How to Install PKG Files

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This page will explain the various ways you can install pkg/fpkg files to your homebrewed console.

Quick Facts

Recommended order of installation

  • To avoid any issues the following order of installing files is recommended Base Game>Update>DLC.

What are PKGS and FPKGS

  • In short:
  • pkg = Official game, update or dlc file a normal pkg that checks the user who launches the app has a license to run they are usually game updates found on Orbis-Patches used to update your retail owned games digitally and physically while running Goldhen.
  • fpkg = dumped game with fake verification via Debug or Goldhen.
  • To note all pkgs come in the .pkg file format
  • An active internet connection refers to your PC and or PS4 being able to connect to your router (or hotspot) via wifi or ethernet.

How to install retail game updates

  • Note that you can only dump or play game updates compatible with your current firmware or lower than it.
  • You can only install retail game updates onto disc/digital games not FPKG ones.

Using Itemzflow

  1. Disable your DNS so you are able to download retail content directly to the console. You can do this by setting up your internet connection again and choosing the "Easy" setup.
  2. Download and install Itemzflow then launch it.
  3. Go to your disc/digital game select it by pressing X
  4. Select "Retail Game Updates" by pressing x
  5. Scroll through available updates
  6. Select the update you want to install and press x.

Using OrbisPatches

  1. Download the update from Orbis Patches
  2. Download pkg-merge to merge the parts into one (if needed) by placing all the parts into a folder and dragging the folder onto the pkg-merge exe and waiting for it to finish
  3. Then install the merged pkg update via one of the methods below.

What is a Title ID

  • The product code is distinct to a region, and the common codes you’ll see are CUSA, PCAS, and PLAS.
    • R1 USA-CUSA
    • R2 Europe-CUSA
    • R3 Asia-PLAS, PCAS
  • The product code is followed by a 5 digit unique number identifier.
  • The Title ID is the Product code along with the unique numerical identifier of the game.
    • For example Minecraft USA is CUSA00744 while Minecraft EU is CUSA00265
    • Another example Resident Evil 2, USA is CUSA09193 while Asia is PLAS10335
    • The majority of games you come across will use CUSA.

USB Method

You can use any kind of USB drive or External USB-HDD/SSD enclosure as long as it can power on from the usb port and is formatted in EXFAT

  1. Format your drive to EXFAT
  2. Place your pkgs on the drive
  3. After jailbreaking or while jailbroken
  4. Plug the drive into your PS4
  5. Go into Goldhen at the top left of the home screen
  6. Go into Debug Settings
  7. Under "Package Installer" make sure "Package Source" is usb[ usb:/ ] if it is Hdd [ hdd:/data/pkg/ ] change it to usb[ usb:/ ]
  8. Go into Package Installer

From there you can choose to install any 1 pkg you want or alternatively you will be automatically asked if you want to install all the available pkgs.

Over a network connection

Connection methods

1. If you can connect the PS4 and PC to each other with an ethernet cable but dont have an active internet connection on the PC.

  • This method is fast but slightly technical.

2. If you can connect the PS4 and PC to each other with an ethernet cable but have an active internet connection on the PC.

  • This method is fast and easier to setup.

3. If you can connect the PS4 and PC to each other with either by connecting them both to the same router via wifi or ethernet.

  • This method is very slow over WiFi but easy to setup with either WiFi or Ethernet with Ethernet being faster.
  • Note: FTP methods transfer to the console and then install the downside is that it takes up double the storage but if you are having trouble with software tools it is a good start.

Pick the connection method

Without an active internet connection

  • Goldhen 2.3 or above required
  1. After jailbreaking
  2. Connect an ethernet cable between your PC and PS4
  3. Create a folder called "pkg" and put your pkgs inside of it
  4. Connect your PS4 to your PC with a LAN cable(in case you unplugged it)
  5. On your PC go into Start>Settings>Network & Internet>Ethernet and then at the top right choose "Change Adapter Options" or by pressing Windows Key + R and writing ncpa.cpl and pressing enter.
  • Settings.JPG
  1. Find the ethernet Adapter you are using and right click on it then choose "properties"
  2. Double left click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"
  • Ipv4.JPG
  1. Press on the empty circle next to "Use the following IP address:" to unlock the fields below it
  • Ipv42.JPG
  1. Fill them in to match as shown in the image below
  • Ipv43.JPG
  1. Go to your PS4 and go into Settings>Network>Set Up Internet Connection
  2. Choose "Use a LAN Cable" then choose "Custom" then choose "Manual"
  3. Set "IP Address" to ""
  4. Set "Subnet Mask" to ""
  5. Set "Default Gateway" to ""
  6. Set "Primary DNS" to ""
  7. Set "Secondary DNS" to ""
  8. Set "MTU Settings" to "Automatic" Set "Proxy Server" to "Do Not Use"
  9. Test Internet Connection and once you get an IP Adresss go back to the home screen.

With an active internet connection only on PC

  • Goldhen 2.3 or above required
  1. After jailbreaking connect your PS4 to your PC via ethernet.
  2. Go to your LAN adapter settings you can do this by pressing Windows Key + R and writing ncpa.cpl and pressing enter.
  3. You can then right click on your WiFI or Ethernet adapter that has an active internet connection and then then right click and choose Properties.
  4. Find the Sharing tab and tick the "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection.
  5. Create a folder called "pkg" and put your pkgs inside of it
  6. On your PS4 setup a normal LAN internet connection with all default settings.
  • Go to Settings and then Network
  • Select Set Up Internet connection and choose Use a LAN Cable
  • Choose Easy.
  • Choose Automatic for IP Address Settings
  1. Test Internet Connection and once you get an IP Adresss go back to the home screen.

With an active internet connection on both devices WiFi Or Ethernet

  • Goldhen 2.3 or above required.
  1. After jailbreaking connect your PS4 and PC to your home network over WiFi or Ethernet.

Installing pkgs

Install methods

1. Itemzflow

  • Itemzflow is the most stable way to install even though the setup is a bit technical.

2. Remote PKG Sender and DirectPackageInstaller.

  • They are both good apps and allow for platform flexibility but errors are more common.

3. FTP.

  • You can use FileZilla or any other alternative of your choice the negatives in this method are heavy as it takes double the time and double the space but if you are having trouble setting up any of the other software it is an alternative.

Pick the install method

Using Itemzflow

  1. On Windows download Winnfsd
  2. Open a cmd window and cd to where WindNFSd.exe is located.
  3. Then type in ipconfig and press enter to find your current IP address and take note of it.
  4. Copy the path of the folder you want to mount onto the PS4. Create a new one anywhere if needed.
  5. You can now start the NFS by typing in the following command. WinNFSd.exe -addr yourIP pathtotheNFSfolder /
  6. For example: WinNFSd.exe -addr D:\PS4\Games /
  7. Back on your PS4 make sure it is currently exploited.
  8. Launch Itemzflow and after the "download covers" prompt (if you haven't disabled it) press "Options" on your controller.
  9. In Itemzflow settings locate and select "Fuse NFS IP"
  10. There input your PC or Server IP address and press R2 for example:
  • To only access specific subfolders you can do so when you Fuse the NFS IP in itemzflow for example: nfs://
  • This will give you access to the following sample path D:\PS4\Games\pkg
  • You can create a batch file with the command you want and keep it in the same folder as WindNFSd.exe and run it each time you want to launch NFS.
  1. After setting up NFS to your desired folder place fpkgs inside of it or if you have set the folder to one that already has fpkgs continue.
  2. Go to Itemzflow settings and select the "PKG Installer" then go to "hostapp" from there you can install any fpkgs by selecting them or installing all the fpkgs in the directory by selecting "install all" a progress bar will show up after installation starts.
  • You can enable background installation by pressing Square in the PKG Installer menu.

Using Itemzflow with a Windows GUI

  1. On Windows download Winnfsd
  2. Download Easy NFS GUI
  3. Open the GUI and set the share folder (for example D:\PS4\Games) and your IP by reading your current IP or using the "IP info button" to view all IP info and type it out manually then press the "Run NFS server" button.
  4. Back on your PS4 make sure it is currently exploited.
  5. Launch Itemzflow and after the "download covers" prompt (if you haven't disabled it) press "Options" on your controller.
  6. In Itemzflow settings locate and select "Fuse NFS IP"
  7. There input your PC or Server IP address and press R2 for example:
  • To only access specific subfolders you can do so when you Fuse the NFS IP in itemzflow for example: nfs://
  • This will give you access to the following sample path D:\PS4\Games\pkg
  1. After setting up NFS to your desired folder place fpkgs inside of it or if you have set the folder to one that already has fpkgs continue.
  2. Go to Itemzflow settings and select the "PKG Installer" then go to "hostapp" from there you can install any fpkgs by selecting them or installing all the fpkgs in the directory by selecting "install all" a progress bar will show up after installation starts.
  • You can enable background installation by pressing Square in the PKG Installer menu.

Using Remote PKG Sender

  1. Download Remote PKG Sender on your PC.
  2. Download and install Flatz Remote Package Installer on your PS4.
  3. Start Remote Package Installer on your PS4.
  4. Start PS4 Package Sender On your PC.
  5. Switch to Config and select your Networkinterface (IP Adress)
  6. Choose a Server Port if necessary and apply or restart the server.
  7. Choose the path of your PKG files.
  8. Switch to Server and add your files to the queue (Processing Center)
  9. Start your install process with any of your files.

Using DirectPackageInstaller

If on a phone, make sure you're on the same network as the PS4. This will only work on the same LAN.

  1. Download DirectPackageInstaller on your PC or phone.
  2. Enable BinLoader in GoldHEN settings.
  3. Download and install .NET 6 Runtime.
  4. Open DPI, in Options input your PS4 IP Address and your PC IP Address (you can find it opening command prompt and entering the following command: ipconfig, in IPv4 section, take note of IP Address).
  5. Select Open, select your packages.
  6. Select Install. Your packages will start to be sent to the PS4.

Using FTP

  1. Go into Goldhen at the top left of the home screen.
  2. Go into "Server Settings"
  3. Enable the FTP server by making sure the box to the right of "Enabel FTP Server" is ticked.
  4. Find your Console IP address by going into Settings>System>System Information
  5. Download FileZilla
  6. In Filezilla in "Host:" type your PS4 IP address **Example** "" and in "Port:" "2121" (If the connection fails type in a username anything will do or restart the FTP server on the ps4 then restart FileZilla)
  7. On the left window of Filezilla go to where you made the folder "pkg" and drag and drop it to the right side window into the folder called *data*
  • Ftp.JPG

(In the future you can go into the "data" folder and drag directly into the "pkg" folder)

  1. Go into Goldhen at the top left of the home screen.
  2. Go into Debug Settings.
  3. Under "Package Installer" change "Package Source" from usb[ usb:/ ] To Hdd [ hdd:/data/pkg/ ]
  4. Go into Package Installer.
  • From there you can choose to install any 1 pkg you want or alternatively you will be automatically asked if you want to install all the available pkgs.
    • Remember to delete pkgs from the "pkg" folder after installing them to regain space.