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Different YM2612 on VA0 Mega Drive

ApolloBoy (talkcontribs)


I noticed you posted this on the Genesis:Motherboard Differences page: "Interestingly, the VA0 uses an older version of the YM2612. While the overall board is as loud as the VA1 and Japanese VA2, the YM2612 is balanced at around the same volume as the SN76489. The instruments that play in the middle of both ears are noticeably "tinnier", the DAC is heavier, and the left and right instrument channels are often louder than the ones in the middle."

Do you have any proof of this aside from a single audio sample? I also own a VA0 and I've never found any significant audio differences between it and the two VA2 model 1s I own. Perhaps you could perform an MDFourier test?

KySupaFly18 (talkcontribs)

Oh, yes, actually. I made a video comparing 5 tracks from a VA0 and 5 from a VA5. Although, I can also perform an MDFourier test (I don't know how to do this)

ApolloBoy (talkcontribs)

Comparing it to a VA5 will be different because Sega changed the audio circuitry beginning with the VA3 revision. MDFourier can be downloaded here:

The site will have instructions on how to run it, and you'll also need a way of running the 240p Test Suite as that contains the MDFourier test.

KySupaFly18 (talkcontribs)

I don't have a flash cart for my Mega Drives, unfortunately. Is there another way to do something like this with an official cart or something? Or is a flash cart required to do this accurately?

ApolloBoy (talkcontribs)

You'd either need to use a flash cart or buy a dedicated 240p Test Suite cart.

KySupaFly18 (talkcontribs)

I should compare it to my preamp-fixed VA1 instead, as those 2 should sound the same with the volume with a few significant differences

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