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VitaControl is a plugin that aims to support a wide variety of bluetooth controllers on the PlayStation Vita. It uses an object-oriented design, which makes it easy to add support for new controllers. VitaControl is based on ds34vita by MERLev, which is based on ds3vita and ds4vita by xerpi.


The latest build of VitaControl is automatically provided via GitHub Actions, and can be downloaded from the releases page.


Place vitacontrol.skprx in the ur0:tai/ directory on your Vita. Open config.txt in the same folder and add ur0:tai/vitacontrol.skprx under the *KERNEL header.

Reboot the Vita and pair your controllers through the Settings app. If you have issues with a controller when it's first paired, it might work after another reboot.

Supported Controllers

  • Sony DualShock 3
  • Sony DualShock 4
  • Sony DualSense
  • Sony DualSense Edge
  • Microsoft Xbox One
  • Nintendo Switch Pro