VitaDB Downloader
VitaDB Downloader is a piece of PS Vita homebrew that serves as the official client for VitaDB; a homebrew repository.
- Searching by author/homebrew name.
- Filtering apps by category.
- Viewing of all available screenshots for apps.
- Sorting apps by different criteria (Most Recent, Oldest, Most Downloaded, Least Downloaded, Alphabetical, etc...)
- Showing of several metadata for apps.
- Download and installation of .vpk+data files or .vpk only at user discretion. (No more need to redownload data files everytime you want to update an homebrew for which data files are unchanged)
- GUI based on dear ImGui, providing a very robust user experience without sacrificing on fancyness and with high customizability.
- Fast boot time (Only the very first boot will take a bit more due to app icons download. Successive boots will be basically instant)
- Low storage usage (Screenshots are served on demand, the only data that are kept on storage are app icons with a complessive storage usage lower than 10 MBs).
- Tracking of installed apps and of their state (outdated/updated) even when not installed through VitaDB Downloader.
- Background music (You can customize it by changing
with your own preferred track). - Background image/video (You can customize it by
changing ux0:data/VitaDB/bg.mp4
). - Support for themes (Customization of GUI elements via
) with built-in downloader and manager. - Support for PSP homebrews.
- Daemon support for homebrew update checking in background during normal console usage.
Install the latest VPK release with VitaShell. Launch the application and follow the on-screen instructions.
Going through the installation process of VitaDB Downloader will also install the runtime for PlayStation Mobile.
You can find some themes usable with this application on this repository. Those themes can also be accessed in the app itself by pressing L. While in Themes Manager mode, you can download themes by pressing X and install themes in two different ways (that can be interchanged by pressing Select):
- Single = A downloaded theme will be installed as active one by pressing X
- Shuffle = Pressing X will mark a theme, you can mark how many themes you want. Once you've finished, press again Select to install a set of themes for shuffling. This means that every time the app is launched, a random theme will be selected from the set and used as active one.
Homebrew Updater Daemon
Starting with v.1.7, VitaDB Downloader features an optional daemon that allows to check for all your installed homebrews updates in background. When console is booted and every hour after the first boot, updates will be searched and, if found, notifications will be fired to notify the user of its existence.
By default, a couple of homebrews are blacklisted from this process either cause they are nightly builds (for which it's not reliable to checksum the hash on server side to perform the update veerification) or cause the Title ID of the app is being used by two or more applications (making impossible to perform an update check).
It's also possible to add more blacklisted homebrews (for example, if you use a modded build which would be tagged as outdated by VitaDB Downloader). To do so, create the file ux0:data/VitaDB/daemon_blacklist.txt
and add inside it a list of Title ID of the homebrews you want to blacklist in this format ABCD12345;ABCD12346;ABCD12347