Xbox:Scene Credits

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Exclamation-circle-fill.svgThis page serves as credits for the scene for any major releases and progress. This list is not a complete listing of works by the authors. If you enjoy any scene devs' work, please consider donating to them to show your appreciation. Thank you all for making this scene great!

Andrew "bunnie" Huang - For grandfathering the hacking of the Xbox by extracting the Xbox BIOS, finding the secret boot ROM, obtaining the bootloader and kernel keys, and releasing all of his work publicly.

The Xbox-Linux Team - For releasing the first three Game Save Exploits, bringing Linux to the Xbox, and for publicly releasing research and tools.

Michael "Mist" Steil - For heading the Xbox Linux team, the MIST hack, contributions to MechInstaller, and much much more.

Andy "numbnut" Green - For his large contributions to the Xbox Linux project, the solderless modchip milksop, Filtrator, and getting video working on Cromwell.

oz_paulb (Paul Bartholomew) - For being part of the Xbox Linux team, contribution and assistance in boot ROM related research, his involvement with the game save hacks, the game save signing tool xbgstool, and breaking the 137GB HDD limit with his open source LBA48 patch.

Milosch Meriac - For his large contributions to the Xbox Linux project, creating a remote console for the Linux bootloader, and getting Telnet and a web server on Linux.

Franz "hamtitampti" Lehner - For large contributions to the Xbox Linux project, contributions to MechInstaller, and for Friday the 13th key hack.

Jeff "Asterisk" Mears - For his large contributions to the Xbox Linux project and being the main developer of MechInstaller.

Edgar Hueck - For large contributions to the Xbox Linux project, contributions to MechInstaller, and for the Debian distro.

Habibi_xbox (David Jilli) - For creating the first softmod installer using the game *007: Agent Under Fire*.

Stefan Esser - For his contributions to MechInstaller and the publishing of the unsigned font exploits.

Visor - For the VISOR hack.

commodore4eva (c4eva) - For the custom DVD firmware to convert Samsung PC disc drives into Xbox disc drives.

Rmenhal - For NKPatcher and the exploited fonts files.

Yoshihiro - For releasing debug BIOSes and miscellaneous applications.

Angerwound - For the Double-Dash Font Exploit.

Devz3ro and PedrosPad - For the Easter Egg Exploit, the first exploit to work with Xbox Live 2.0.

Sylver77 - For releasing a patch to make the official dashboard's DVD player region free.

FriendTech - For creating the 1.4GHz CPU upgrade.

TheSpecialist - For the DVD drive unlocker and the first hacked DVD firmware.

Prehistoricman - For the 1.6/1.6b Xbox RAM upgrade method.

HoRnEyDvL - For his work on OZXCHIP, EvolutionX M8, Xenium, and Nexgen dashboard.

Grimdoomer (TheFallen93) - For releasing the fourth Game Save Exploit softmod (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4) and the Raspberry Pi based EEPROM reader, PiPROM.

Team EvolutionX - For the EvoX BIOS and EvolutionX dashboard.

Team Avalaunch (Blazed, The Joker, Lys, jjsmither (Devenic), JbOnE, r0wdy and Snowman) - For the Avalaunch dashboard and Qwix.

Team Pheonix - For the Phoenix BIOS Loader (PBL).

Team Assembly - For figuring out how to copy/restore the EEPROM, code to lock/unlock hard drives, ConfigMagic, and the TATX Debug kit bios for retail Xboxes.

Team Gueux - For Anod-X.

Team XBMC (Arnova, Bomb Bloke, Buzz, Craig, Dan Dare, Highland Sun, Nuka, xbs, and Geeba) - For creating and upkeeping the application/dashboard XBMC, now split into XBMC4Xbox and Kodi.

Team Xecuter - For the Xecuter branded modchips and devices.

Team AfterShock - kl0wny, PeteGabe, and SHiZNO for homebrew games including Star Wars, AfterShock Pool SX, Madness Interactive SX, Baku Baku 2X, Bubble Trouble SX.

Team N’Vision - For Ballzy.

Team Xfactor - For BreakoutX 3D.

Team UIX - For XBE Shortcut Maker.

Team Cerbios - For their BIOS.

Team Resurgent - For their software.

Insignia Team - For restoring Xbox Live.

James - For creating UnleashX.

TheDaddy, TeXLink, CrunchBite, Prestige, MeanMF, and SgtLegend - For contribution or upkeep of XLink Kai.

CrunchBite (/u/TxCrunchBite) - For maintaining XLink Kai and Mimesis.

FrostyTheSnowman - For the VGA bioses.

Dextrose - For miscellaneous file handling and EEPROM tools including DEXBE.

BenJeremy - For the dashboard Media X Menu.

Surferdude - For contribution to the creation of cromwell.

Lantus - For porting emulators and open source games to Xbox, including SNES9x, FrodoX, PJ64x, FBAx, U64x, SDL, NeoGeoCD-SDL, DoomX, Quake-X, Quake2X, Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct 2, ReminiscenceX, xRick, and for making many YouTube videos highlighting the Xbox scene.

oDD and Lantus - For creating Surreal64, the ultimate N64 emulator for the Xbox.

Idotsfan - For creating the hard drive utility, Chimp.

AngryCamel - For Mimesis.

Carcharius - For the Xenesis, ScummVM Xbox, and SpeXtrum emulators as well as Doom Legacy and Quake 3 ports and for contributing to Doom-X.

Superfro and Opcode - For MAME-X.

ShALLaX (Thomas Pedley) - For Gentoox.

Rymez2K - For figuring out how to transfer a game save from the original Xbox to the Xbox 360.

Caustik (Aaron Robinson) - For contributing to the OpenXDK, the XBE viewer app DEXBE, and for creating the Xbox emulator "CXBX".

JRocky5 - For his outstanding help in this subreddit and wiki, the Xbox Softmodding Tool, XBMC-Emustation, and other software releases.

psyko_chewbacca - For the open source XBlast OS, XBlast modchip, and other hardware-related releases.

Ryzee119 - For the open source OpenXenium modchip and OGX360, and LithiumX dashboard.

Kekule - For his component to HDMI converter, reversing of the 1.4GHz CPU interfacer board, reverse engineering the X3 (R3DUX) and various other hardware projects.

DJB - For creating Auto Installer Deluxe and Softmod Installer Deluxe.

Espes - For creating XQEMU, the successful open-source Xbox emulator.

SoullessSentinel - For CXBX-Reloaded, the Xbox emulator.

ShadowTj - For Dxbx, a port of Cxbx to the Delphi programming language.

\_sf\_ - For the Xeon (Halo) emulator.

MarvelousMirth - For OGxHD, a utility to patch games to higher resolutions or aspect ratios, and for creating /r/OriginalXbox (/u/KeepForgettingLogin).

TeamX4 - For the Mega X Key and game save resigning tools.

T'ulkas - For boXplorer.

BreinJ - For Xbox Save Parser.

Shonk - For the game patcher to enable 1GHz CPU support on games to allow games to run at the correct speed.

Pr0phet - For reverse engineering and releasing the Pentium III CPU upgrade mod as well as creating the first socketed Pentium III Tualatin mod.

+ T + - For Final Burn Consoles and Final Burn Legends.

A600 - For Borg Nukem, Duke Nukem 3D, ShadowX, X Streets of Rage, xBermuda, xDescent, xDink, xHeretic, xHexen, xNeoRaine, xRaine, xSoRR, xUrQuan, and for contributing to OpenBOR, ScummVM, and XWolf3D.

ScummVm Team - For ScummVM.

XTECUTERX73 - For contributing to XWolf3d and Nestopiax.

Andrew "Hudson" Childs & Geoffrey van Dijk - For Zombie Crisis.

bmy6063 - For Battle Pong X.

LikkleBaer - For contributing to the Doom-X.

chips - For Xmugen.

cyxdown - For Out Of This World (rawX).

deathz0r, AlexMax, and Ralphis - For OdameX.

destronger and gamezfan - For MAMEoXtras.

Exult Team - For Ultima VII - ExultX.

FakeGLx and Marty - For D3D QuakeX.

Florian Hufsky and Two52 - For Super Mario War.

freakdave - For Abombniballx, Biniax 2, Dodgin Diamond 2X, GluttonX, Heroes of Roswell X, JumpNBumpX, KETMX, Miss DrillerX, Sdl-fighterX, Shippy1984X, Yabause CE, Zelda - Oni Link Begins, and Zelda - Return of the Hylian.

friesen - For Dead Babies Xtreme.

gaasedelen - For the Titan patch and Endgame exploit.

geca soft - For Geca Blaster 2.

Harcroft and AmyGrrl - For archiving Xbox DLC and Title Updates and creating installers for them.

HCF - For AbbayeX, Arcadian Tactics, BraXil 2014, Chess Street Fighter 2, DesmumeX, EdgarX, MadrigalX, MessoXtras, MuchimeX, Neko Project2X, RockbotX, SamCoupeX, Secret Maryo Chronicles X, Virtual JaguarX, and the Open Transport Tycoon port.

Heimdall - For the HeXEn disc.

incrediclint - For 3Dox.

Jamie Fuller - For SensitiveX.

Jesse Petrilla - For Quest For Hussein.

Jippie & Novahux - For MineXweeper and Xconnect 4.

Kubik - For DaphneX Xbox.

loehrerl - For AmphetamineX.

lubby - For InvaderX.

Luka Horvat - For Me And My ShadowX.

Marcel popo and farid. - For xBomberbox 2.

Mastermind - For X-marbles.

mborgerson - For creating xemu, a fork of the XQEMU Xbox emulator.

Milenko - For his weird brain that doesn't let him forget certain people, which reconnected multiple scene members. The consolemods, projectmimesis, and xboxscene domains.

Mika Halttunen - For KmbxDelirium, KmbxFormido, Kmbx-Sdl-Invaders, and KmbxX Galaga.

MorseKode - For BlasteroidsX.

Neobomb - For DefendguinX, RoadfighterX, Super Transball 2, VectoroidsX, xMadbomber, xMoG, xTeeterTorture, and Zelda - Time to Triumph.

questor and fused - For Noiz2saX and rRootageX.

Reaper527 - For BarrageX.

richi90 - For Furby Kill 3D.

SHiZNO - For BakuBakuX 1 & 2, Bubble Trouble SX, and Madness Interactive SX.

SirLemonhead - For Aliens Vs. Predator.

sokoban and JungleBoy - For Sokoban 3dX.

th0mas - For Wolfenstein 3D.

Themaister, Squarepusher (Twin Aphex), and Freakdave - For RetroArch.

ti85man - For VideoPokerX.

trandor - For AbuseX.

weinerschnitzel - For Surreal64CE.

X-Factor Development - For Duck Shoot, Pac-man3dX, and the Worms port.

XFD - For Xmas Xfd.

XL productions - For X-pong.

xport - For Blob Wars X, CaveStoryX, GladiatorX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, NjamX, PachiX, PowermangaX, StarfighterX, StepmaniaX, Vice64X, xHeroes, X-Pired, and contributing to Nestopiax.

xport and Madmab - For AdamX, ArnoldX, Atari7800x, AtariXLBox, BlissX, BlueMSXBox, Chip8X, Classic99x, DidntXSpectrum, KEGS-X, MednafenX-Lynx, MednafenX-NES, Mednafen-PCE, MekaX, MessTrex, NeoGenesis for Xbox, NeoPopX, OdysseyX, Pcsxbox, PokemonMiniX, SNES9XBox, SoftVMUX, SuperVisionX, Vice20X, VicePETX, VirtualBoyX, WinSTonX, WinUAE, WonderSwanX, X68000X, XBoyAdvance, Z26X, and for contributing to OpenBOR.

XtecuterX73 and Madmab - For NeoGensPlusGX.

Team XBC - For XBConnect.

ProjectX - For figuring out how to boot retail games on developer kits.

TechnoDevices - For releasing the code to make region free modchips.

RUNTiME and d703g4q - For XBPLAYER.

XanTium - For running the news feed and keeping us all informed.

HSDEMONZ - For the financial upkeep and administration of Xbox-Scene.

GaryOPA - For continuing the Xbox-Scene front page in XanTium's abscence.

Iriez - For contributing news articles on Xbox-Scene and for maintaining Xbins.

SiliconIce (Dan Johnson) - For founding the XboxHacker web site and contributing to the OpenXDK.

Michael Robertson - For setting the $200,000 USD bounty for Linux running on the original Xbox.

OCnewB, Superfro, deezp1, and GoTeamScotch - For the Xbox Error Codes guide, which was used in this wiki.

HEX1GON, MoonTar, and Borman - For the Xbox Wiki for limited edition consoles, which was used in this wiki.

Xboxmod08, Gunr, and Farrell - For the controller power button tutorial, which was adapted and included in the wiki.

Jonathan Harbour - For writing *The Black Art of Xbox Modding*, of which some information was used such as Xbox revision identification.

Dean Takahashi - For the detailed Xbox History on, a small bit which was used in this wiki.

UltraMagnus - For creating Halo NMP v2 and CXE v1.

Xbox-Scene - For compiling a list of tutorials, many of which were absorbed here. - For the USB Compatibility List. - For a great skin database. - For a great saves database. - For the Hotswap and TSOP Flashing guide. - For supporting Halo community mods for the Xbox.

[ A Clay] - For creating the procedurally generated background of this wiki and sharing it on request.

Derf_Jagged, CrunchBite, JCRocky5, psyko_chewbacca, chronoDynamic, AlbinoSheepDawg, mikeaton, KaosEngineer, breakingcups, Grimdoomer, ForlornPenguin, Supaslicer, DarkGabbz, thePiratePimp, Gamebox_ukv, cQrPsE, Dondonian, OBCD, BombBloke, KingLuxor, xbmcmodsforxbox, Bharath6192, and any others we missed for contributing to this wiki either directly or indirectly.

To all who made an impact on the scene and made everything possible: Thank you!

Please message the moderators if any information is incorrect, or if there is any other developers deserving of recognition