Xbox 360:Converting to a Devkit

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Exclamation-circle-fill.svgRead this page in it's entirety before following the tutorials!
Exclamation-circle-fill.svgDashLaunch will not work with a devkit NAND. However, any modifications to the SMC (such as fan settings) will be kept.
Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgUsing RGLoader or XDKBuild have a significant risk of going wrong and bricking your console, especially if it is a JTAG.


RGLoader is a tool used to build a devkit NAND out of your own NAND dump. This devkit NAND can then be flashed onto your console, which enables debug features not otherwise available on a RGH/JTAG. This also installs xshell, the official development dashboard.

Keep in mind the following:

  • RGLoader officially does not support RGH3, Use XDKBuild instead.
  • Many unofficial RGLoader versions overwrite XeLL, so in case of a brick you will need a hardware flasher to recover.
  • Fakeanim does not work with a RGLoader NAND, you will need to remove the ; and edit the path to your fakeanim in rgloader.ini if you wish to use one.
  • By default, it will boot into the xshell dash. You can change this by changing the path to a different dashboard's XEX in rgloader.ini.



XDKBuild is a tool within J-Runner with Extras which allows you to build a devkit NAND from a retail NAND. This is the only way to convert to a devkit NAND on RGH3 systems.

Keep in mind the following:

  • This is more basic than RGLoader, missing many features such as loading retail XEX/DVD's.
  • RGH1/2 will require you to write a custom timing file on glitch chip, otherwise console will not boot up.
  • XDKBuild overwrites XeLL, so the only way to fix it is to use a hardware flasher to flash your old NAND dump.
  • If your console has 16MB NAND, you will need to copy filesystem folder to your hard drive, or your console will be stuck on boot.


Exclamation-circle-fill.svgSecond step is for 16MB NAND consoles only! Ignore it if your console has 48MB or 64MB NAND.
  1. Download J-Runner with Extras.
  2. 16MB NAND only - Copy the "17489-fs" folder found inside "J-Runner-with-Extras\xeBuild\17489" to your HDD and rename it to "17489". If you fail to do so, your console will refuse to boot with internal HDD.
  3. Open J-Runner with Extras, click on "Load Source" and select your NAND image.
  4. On the XeBuild tab on the right select "17489" on the "Kernel Version" drop down menu.
  5. Now select "Glitch2m".
  6. XDKBuild and other NAND options found will already be checked. Click on the "Create XeBuild" to build the new NAND image.
  7. The output will be found in your JRunner folder in a subfolder with various numbers. Flash the "updflash.bin" to your console in your preferred way.