| Read this page in it's entirety before following the tutorials! |
 | DashLaunch will not work with a devkit NAND. However, any modifications to the SMC (such as fan settings) will be kept. |
 | Using RGLoader or XDKBuild have a significant risk of going wrong and bricking your console, especially if it is a JTAG. |
RGLoader is a tool used to build a devkit NAND out of your own NAND dump. This devkit NAND can then be flashed onto your console, which enables debug features not otherwise available on a RGH/JTAG. This also installs xshell, the official development dashboard.
Keep in mind the following:
- RGLoader officially does not support RGH3, Use XDKBuild instead.
- Many unofficial RGLoader versions overwrite XeLL, so in case of a brick you will need a hardware flasher to recover.
- Fakeanim does not work with a RGLoader NAND, you will need to remove the
and edit the path to your fakeanim in rgloader.ini if you wish to use one.
- By default, it will boot into the xshell dash. You can change this by changing the path to a different dashboard's XEX in rgloader.ini.
XDKBuild is a tool within J-Runner with Extras which allows you to build a devkit NAND from a retail NAND. This is the only way to convert to a devkit NAND on RGH3 systems.
Keep in mind the following:
- This is more basic than RGLoader, missing many features such as loading retail XEX/DVD's.
- RGH1/2 will require you to write a custom timing file on glitch chip, otherwise console will not boot up.
- XDKBuild overwrites XeLL, so the only way to fix it is to use a hardware flasher to flash your old NAND dump.
- If your console has 16MB NAND, you will need to copy filesystem folder to your hard drive, or your console will be stuck on boot.
 | Second step is for 16MB NAND consoles only! Ignore it if your console has 48MB or 64MB NAND. |
- Download J-Runner with Extras.
- 16MB NAND only - Copy the "17489-fs" folder found inside "J-Runner-with-Extras\xeBuild\17489" to your HDD and rename it to "17489". If you fail to do so, your console will refuse to boot with internal HDD.
- Open J-Runner with Extras, click on "Load Source" and select your NAND image.
- On the XeBuild tab on the right select "17489" on the "Kernel Version" drop down menu.
- Now select "Glitch2m".
- XDKBuild and other NAND options found will already be checked. Click on the "Create XeBuild" to build the new NAND image.
- The output will be found in your JRunner folder in a subfolder with various numbers. Flash the "updflash.bin" to your console in your preferred way.