Xbox 360:Saves

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This guide will walk you through managing your Xbox / Xbox 360 game saves. Saves are stored on a per-profile per-game basis, and require resigning to work on other profiles.

Xbox 360 Saves

Connect your Xbox 360's hard drive or USB storage that contains your desired save files to your PC.

  • If it's a hard drive for an original Xbox 360 and you don't have a transfer cable, you can also take it out of the enclosure and connect directly to its SATA interface.

Using the Xbox 360 HDD on a PC

If you are directly accessing the console's hard drive on the PC, you will need to use specialized software to access it, due to it using the non-standard FATX file system.


Open FATXplorer and select Devices, select the hard drive, and mount the Content partition. Then, open the drive and click the Content folder. This folder contains a folder for each profile on the system, and a public directory 0000000000000000 (example structure here). Open your profile, and a folder for each game will be inside. Right click the desired game, and select "Extract..." if you wish to copy the save to your PC, or right click the blank field and select "Insert Folder" and insert your game save folder. It should be something like 373407DB.

Xplorer360 (Not Recommended)

Open Xplorer360 navigate into Partition 3 > Content. This folder contains a folder for each profile on the system, and a public directory 0000000000000000 (example structure here). Open your profile, and a folder for each game will be inside. Right click the desired game, and select "Extract..." if you wish to copy the save to your PC, or right click the blank field and select "Insert Folder" and insert your game save folder. It should be something like 373407DB.

Using USB Storage

FAT32 Storage

If your the console is on kernel 2.0.17349.0 or later, the system can use standard FAT32 USB storage. You can just open the drive on your computer's native file explorer and go into the same 0000000000000000 directory. Access your profile folder and all of your game saves will be displayed there.

XTAF Storage

If your console's kernel is older than 2.0.17349.0, then accessing Xbox formatted USB storage will require special software like Horizon or Xplorer360.

Original Xbox Saves

Keep in mind that some saves are EEPROM locked and therefore you cannot use them on an Xbox 360 without patching the game executable to bypass the signature check. See this page for more details.


  1. Connect your Xbox 360's internal hard drive to your PC.
    • If it's a hard drive for an original Xbox 360 and you don't have a transfer cable, you can also take it out of the enclosure and connect directly to its SATA interface.
  2. Open FATXplorer and select Devices.
  3. Select the hard drive and mount the Content partition.
  4. You will be able to access the original Xbox save files from the X:/Compatibility/Xbox1/UDATA folder.

Xplorer360 (Not Recommended)

  1. Connect your Xbox 360's internal hard drive to your PC.
    • If it's a hard drive for an original Xbox 360 and you don't have a transfer cable, you can also take it out of the enclosure and connect directly to its SATA interface.
  2. Open Xplorer360, select Drive > "Open hard drive or memcard...", and expand Partition 3 > Compatibility > Xbox 1 > UDATA.
  3. Right click the empty field and select "Insert Folder" and choose your original Xbox game save folder. It should be something like 5655002A.

Custom Dashboard File Management

Since the stock dashboard does not allow you to copy original Xbox data to USB drives, you will need a modded console that can run a homebrew dashboard in order to copy file files directly.


FTP allows you to easily move saves from device to device. Start an FTP session, and navigate to the UDATA folder on Hdd1:/Compatibility/Xbox1. From here, you can choose the desired game by Title ID, and move saves to or from your Xbox.


In the case that you cannot or don't want to use FTP, you can use a FAT32 USB flash drive. Use the file manager on your modified dashboard to move the save to your storage device, and then plug your storage device into your PC.