Xbox 360 Mods Wiki
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TO-DO List
- Everything that has been
striked throughon the index page - Drive flashing page
- Integrate this stuff
- Add to FAQ:
- Why dash 7371 isn’t always JTAGable, and maybe how to check it
- Describe Zero Fuse CPUs
- Power Supply region incompatibility 1
- Video mode reset combo in troubleshooting page (Y + RT)?
- Link to drive firmwares and timing files
- XGD3 Game Burning 1
- Xbox 360 SMC Power Mode Editing (Fixes Falcon Freezing on RGH2 1 2)
- More homebrew here
- Custom Profile Pic safe / profile mod
- Fixing Battery Charge Pack
- MilkyTracker
- Subsection for LibXenon emus?
- Check out Viper360 and XPRemap
- What is the exact name of the "update firmware" menu tab in J-Runner for NAND-X?
- Fixing bad NAND 1 (Corona too) 2 3
- Add a page for downgrading a 4 GB Corona to a 16 MB NAND
- Add a page for a dual NAND mod
- Convert DLC/game region
- What does XCE Tools stand for? Xbox Cheat Engine?
- Archive mod tools, maybe integrate some?
- Credits from xbins
- Credit Horizon (staff of TTG/XboxMB) and Modio devs
- DRM free game content?
- How to recover deleted data with FATXplorer 1
- 2-16TB USB patch 1
- Guide for custom boot noise with a JQ6500 for Phat/S/E.
- HVP.xex 1
- XNAOffline by Natelx