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"Tate Mode" is a display mode for games to be rotated clockwise (most common) or counterclockwise to be played on a TV or monitor rotated in the opposite direction. This is a feature of many original arcade games and this feature is present in many arcade ports and a handful of newer games. It is pronounced "tah-tey" from the Japanese word for vertical (縦) in reference to the screen orientation.  
This article is intended as a guide to original power supplies for various vintage consoles. Its purpose is to document various power ratings information for specific consoles, whether or not the power supplies are built internally into the console, and make reccomendations regarding power supply replacements.<ref>https://shmup.fandom.com/wiki/Tate_Mode</ref><ref>https://www.doesitflip.com/</ref><ref>https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=60868</ref><ref>https://store.steampowered.com/curator/14416124/</ref><ref>https://retronauts.com/article/946/the-comprehensive-list-of-flip-grip-friendly-vertical-games-for-switch</ref><ref>http://www.gamepilgrimage.com/content/games-tate-mode-standard-definition</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/85fqso/list_of_switch_games_that_support_nonstandard/</ref>.
This list originated as a compilation of a handful of existing lists<ref>https://shmup.fandom.com/wiki/Tate_Mode</ref><ref>https://www.doesitflip.com/</ref><ref>https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=60868</ref><ref>https://store.steampowered.com/curator/14416124/</ref><ref>https://retronauts.com/article/946/the-comprehensive-list-of-flip-grip-friendly-vertical-games-for-switch</ref><ref>http://www.gamepilgrimage.com/content/games-tate-mode-standard-definition</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/85fqso/list_of_switch_games_that_support_nonstandard/</ref>.


Revision as of 15:18, 26 April 2022


This article is intended as a guide to original power supplies for various vintage consoles. Its purpose is to document various power ratings information for specific consoles, whether or not the power supplies are built internally into the console, and make reccomendations regarding power supply replacements.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7].



Game Notes
Psyvariar 2
Castle of Shikigami (Shikigami No Shiro)
Castle of Shikigami 2 (Shikigami No Shiro 2)

Xbox 360

Game Notes
Bullet Soul
Bullet Soul Infinite Burst
Dodonpachi DaiFukkatsu Black Label
Dodonpachi DaiFukkatsu Version 1.5
Dodonpachi DaiOuJou Black Label EXTRA
Dodonpachi Resurrection
Dodonpachi SaiDaiOuJou
EspGaluda II Black Label
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Extra
Muchi Muchi Pork! & Pink Sweets
Mushihimesama Futari Version 1.5
Mushihimesama HD
Raiden Fighters Aces
Raiden IV
Castle of Shikigami 3 (Shikigami No Shiro 3)
Shooting Love, 10th Anniversary

- XIIZeal
- DeltaZeal

Shooting Love, 200X

- TriZeal
- ExZeal

The King of Fighters: Sky Stage
Trigger Heart Exelica
Under Defeat HD

Xbox One

Game Notes
Arcade Archives
Battle Garegga
Dangun Feveron
Ghost Blade HD


Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom

Game Notes
Donkey Kong ROM hack by Morten Riis Svendsen.[8]

Super Nintendo / Super Famicom

Game Notes
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics 2: Heiankyo Alien Option C in menu. Only applies to original game, not "New Type".


Game Notes
Radio Allergy (Radirgy)
Castle of Shikigami 2 (Shikigami No Shiro 2)


Game Notes
Milestone Shooting Collection 2

- Chaos Field
- Illvelo
- Karous
- Radirgy
- Radirgy Noa

Castle of Shikigami 3 (Shikigami No Shiro 3)
Ultimate Shooting Collection

- Chaos Field
- Karous
- Radirgy

Wii U

Game Notes
Ghost Blade HD


Check out the Flip Grip, a Switch attachment specifically for playing games in tate mode!

Game Notes
12 Orbits No dedicated orientation.
1941 - Counter Attack
1943 - The Battle of Midway
1944 - The Loop Master
19XX - The War Against Destiny
A Normal Lost Phone
Aero Fighters 2
Aero Fighters 3
AngerForce: Reloaded
Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story
Arcade Archives

- Alpha Mission
- Argus
- Bomb Jack
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong 3
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Front Line
- Heroic Episode
- Moon Cresta
- Omega Fighter
- Punch-Out!!
- Route-16
- Star Force
- Terra Cresta
- Armed F
- Detana! Twin Bee
- Image Fight

Arcade Love: Plus Pengo!
Arkanoid vs Space Invaders Only tate mode is supported
Atari Flashback Classics

- Centipede
- Fire Truck
- Maze Invaders
- Millipede
- Monte Carlo
- Super Breakout
- Super Bug
- Soccer

Barrage Fantasia
Bells & Whistles
Bomb Jack
Capcom Arcade Stadium

- 1941 - Counter Attack
- 1942
- 1943 - The Battle of Midway
- 1944 - The Loop Master
- 19XX - The War Against Destiny
- Commando
- Legendary Wings
- Senjo no Okamii (MERCS)
- VARTH - Operation Thunderstorm
- Vulgus

Contra Anniversary Collection

- Contra
- Super Contra

Crimzon Clover - World EXplosion
Danmaku Unlimited 3
Demon's Tilt
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival
Dragon Blaze
ESP Ra.De. Psi
Fire Truck
Flak Attack (MX5000)
Game Tengoku CruisinMix Special
Ghost Blade HD
Groove Coaster: Wai Wai Party!!!!
Gunbird 2
Horizon Shift '81
Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Heavy Barrel Tate mode rotates game counterclockwise, therefore not compatible with Flip Grip.
Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Nitro Ball Tate mode rotates game counterclockwise, therefore not compatible with Flip Grip.
Konami Anniversary Collection: Arcade Classics

- A-Jax
- Scramble
- TwinBee

Legendary Wings
Lost Phone Stories
Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo
Missile Dancer
Mutant Mudds Collection

- Mudd Blocks

Tate mode rotates game counterclockwise, therefore not compatible with Flip Grip.
Namco Museum

- Dig Dug
- Galaga
- Galaga '88
- Pac-Man
- Tower of Druaga

Pinball FX3
Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha
Psikyo Shooting Stars Bravo
Psyvariar Delta
Samurai Aces
Sega Ages

Gain Ground

Senjo no Okamill
Shmup Collection
Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection

- Alpha Mission
- Chopper I
- Fantasy
- Guerilla War
- Ikari Warriors
- Munch Mobile
- Search and Rescue
- Sasuke vs. Commander
- Time Soldiers
- Vanguard
- Victory Road

Chopper I, Fantasy, Munch Mobile, Sasuke vs Commander, and Time Soldiers all added Tate support in a post-launch DLC.
Space Invaders Invincible Some games support tate - please add which ones!
Star Wars Pinball
Stern Pinball Arcade Tate mode rotates game counterclockwise, therefore not compatible with Flip Grip.
Stray Cat Doors Tate mode rotates game counterclockwise, therefore not compatible with Flip Grip.
Strikers 1945
Strikers 1945 II
Strikers 1945 III (Strikers 1999)
Strikers 1945 Plus
Super Breakout
Super Bug
Switch n' Shoot
The Pinball Arcade
VARTH - Operation Thunderstorm
Vasara Collection

- Vasara
- Vasara 2

Zaccaria Pinball Tate mode rotates game counterclockwise, therefore not compatible with Flip Grip.

Game Boy Advance

Game Notes
Atari Anniversary Advance

- Centipede
- Tempest
- Super Breakout

Centipede, Breakout, Warlords

- Centipede
- Breakout

Namco Museum 50th Anniversary

- Pac-Man
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Dig Dug
- Galaga

Puzzle League (Panel de Pon)



Game Notes
Arcade Gears Vol 2

- Gun Frontier

Arcade Gears Vol 4

- ImageFight
- X Multiply

Open the Option menu, press R, then change the last option to ON and press Start. This will enable the English menu from which you can enable Arcade mode. If you do NOT enable English mode, your controls will be rotated when Arcade mode is selected. |
Capcom Generation 1

- 1942
- 1943: The Battle of Midway
- 1943 Kai

Capcom Generation 3

- Vulgus
- Exed Exes

Capcom Generation 4

- Commando
- Gun.Smoke
- Mercs

Crimewave Tates mode are hidden. On title screen, hold L+Y+Z to rotate clockwise, L+Y+X to rotate counter-clockwise, and L+Y+B to return to yoko mode.
Galactic Attack (Layer Section / Rayforce)
Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise!
Irem Arcade Classics

- Zippy Race

Kingdom Grandprix (Shippū Mahō Daisakusen Kingudamu-Gurandopri)
Sega Ages Memorial Selection Vol 1

- Up 'n Down
- Pengo
- Head On

Choose "Type B" in Options.
Skull Fang: Kuhga Gaiden
Sonic Wings Special
Strikers 1945
Strikers 1945 II
Twin Cobra 2 Plus (Kyukyoku Tigers 2 Plus)


Game Notes
Ghost Blade
Gunbird 2
Neo XYX Homebrew
Psyvariar 2
Castle of Shikigami 2 (Shikigami No Shiro 2)
Trigger Heart Exelica
Under Defeat



Game Notes
Arcade Gears: Image Fight & X Multiply Screen does not display full play area on either game.
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1

- Centipede
- Millipede

Capcom Generation 1

- 1942
- 1943: The Battle of Midway
- 1943 Kai

Capcom Generation 3

- Vulgus
- Exed Exes

Capcom Generation 4

- Commando
- Gun.Smoke
- Mercs

Irem Arcade Classics

- Zippy Race

Namco Museums Vol 1

- Galaga

Game rotated counterclockwise.
Namco Museums Vol 2

- Xevious
- Super Xevious
- Grobda
- Gaplus
- Mappy
- Cutie-Q
- Bomb Bee

Games are rotated counterclockwise. Cutie-Q is only present on the Japanese version. Bomb Bee is a hidden game only in the Japanese version which can be accessed by selecting Cutie-Q on the main menu and while it boots up, quickly press Circle 7 times, Square 6 times, Cross 5 times, then Start. If you complete the sequence before the grid screen, Bomb Bee will be loaded.
Namco Museums Vol 3

- Galaxian

Game rotated counterclockwise.
Namco Museums Vol 4

- Assault
- Assault Plus

Games rotated counterclockwise. Assault Plus is a hidden game, unlocked by holding R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, and Triangle at the same time in the X-Room inside the museum.
Namco Museums Vol 5

- Dragon Spirit

Game are rotated counterclockwise.
Namco Museums Vol Encore

- Dragon Saber
- King & Balloon
- Motos

Games are rotated counterclockwise.
Raiden DX
Sonic Wings Special
Strikers 1945 Japanese version only.
Strikers 1945 II Released as just "Striker 1945" in the US. US version does not have tate.
The Raiden Project

- Raiden
- Raiden II

Japanese version has two tate modes, US version only has one and requires a cheat disc to load code 80050BAC 0003 for correct controls
Toaplan Shooting Battle Vol.1

- Tiger Heli
- Twin Cobra (Kyukyoku Tiger)

Xevious 3D+G

- Xevious
- Super Xevious
- Xevious Arrangement

PlayStation 2

Game Notes
Dodonpachi DaiOuJou
Double Shienryu

- Shienryu

Gunbird Collection
Oretachi Gesen Zoku

- BurgerTime
- Contra
- Karate Champ
- Moon Cresta
- Pooyan
- Sonic Wings
- Terra Cresta
- Time Pilot

Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol 1

- Strikers 1945,
- Strikers 1945 II

Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol 2

- Sengoku Ace

Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol 3

- Dragon Blaze

Psyvariar 2: Ultimate Final
Psyvariar Complete Edition
Psyvariar Revision
Psyvariar: Medium Unit
Radirgy Precious
Raiden III
Castle of Shikigami (Shikigami no Shiro)
Castle of Shikigami 2 (Shikigami no Shiro 2)
Sonic Wings
Taito Memories II Joukan and Gekan

- Rayforce
- Fighting Hawk
- Scramble Formation
- Tokio

Trigger Heart Exelica Enhanced
XII Stag

PlayStation 3

Game Notes
Mamorukun Curse!
Raiden IV: Overkill
Under Defeat HD

PlayStation 4

Game Notes
Arcade Archives All games have tate support.
Battle Garegga
Dangun Feveron
Game Paradise Cruisin Mix
Ghost Blade HD
Mahou Daisakusen

PlayStation Portable

Game Notes
Beta Bloc
NeoGeo Heroes: Ultimate Shooting
Space Invaders Pocket

- Return of the Invaders
- Majestic Twelve
- Akkanvader

PlayStation Vita / PlayStation TV

Game Notes
Little Deviants Some minigames only.
Pinball Arcade Tilt the screen prior to starting a new game.
Pinball Dreams
Pinball Fantasies
Super Monkey Ball Some minigames only.
Vasara Collection

- Vasara
- Vasara 2

Zen Pinball 2


PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16) has many games capable of "Arcade Mode" which presents the game in a skinnier format without rotating - but there is no true tate games.[9]

Atari Lynx

Game Notes
Gauntlet The Third Encounter

Neo Geo

Game Notes
Neo XYX Homebrew, no official tate games

Sharp X68000

Game Notes
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Dragon Spirit
Star Force


Game Notes
Crazy Climber
Gunpey EX
Judgment Silversword
Klonoa Moonlight Museum
Magical Drop
Rainbow Islands Putty’s Party
Rockman & Forte
Soroban Gu
Tane wo Maku Tori


Game Notes
Blue Revolver
BULLET SOUL: Infinie Burst
Castle of Shikigami Screen rotates but does not zoom in to fill screen.
Crimzon Clover WORLD Ignition
Danmaku Unlimited 2
Danmaku Unlimited 3
DoDonPachi Resurrection
Drive to Hell Screen rotates but does not zoom in to fill screen.
Fire Arrow Plus
Game Tengoku CruisnMix Special
Ghost Blade HD
Groove Coaster
Hitogata Happa
Icarus-X: Tides of Fire One direction only, HUD does not rotate, controls need to be manually set.
Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo
Metis One
Pinball FX2
Psyvariar Delta
Raiden III
Raiden IV: OverKill
Raiden Legacy
Shmups Skill Test
Space Moth DX
Strikers 1945
Strikers 1945 II
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
Vector Strain
WOLFLAME Rotates clockwise.
Zenodyne R


The full table of information by twistedsymphony can be found in this Google Sheets page.

Game Default Rotation Can Be Flipped How CW Supported CCW Supported Notes
1941: Counter Attack CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch C-5
19XX: The War Against Destiny CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Acrobat Mission CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Action Fighter CCW No NO YES
Aero Fighters CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Aero Fighters Special CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Air Assault CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Air Duel CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Air Gallet CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Alcon CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
American Horseshoes CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Animal Basket CCW No NO YES
Arbalester CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Arcadia CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Arkanoid CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 7
Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Armed Police Batrider CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Ashura Blaster CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
ASO - Armored Scrum Object CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-6
Assault CW Yes Test Menu YES YES Option on Second Test Screen
Assault Plus CW Yes Test Menu YES YES Option on Second Test Screen
Asuka & Asuka CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Avengers CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-7
Bandit CW YES
Batsugun CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Battlantis CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Battle Bakraid CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Battle Garegga CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-3
Bells & Whistles CW Yes Test Mode YES YES
Bermuda Triangle CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Birdie Try CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7
Blades of Steel CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Blast Off CW YES
Blazer CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Block Block CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES "Flip Flop" option under "Game Information"
Block Carnival CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Block Pong-Pong CCW No NO YES
Blue Hawk CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
Bombjack Twin CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Brave Blade CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Caliber .50 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Change Air Blade CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Chopper I CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Commando/Space Invasion CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-3
Contra CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Cosmo Gang: The Video CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Cybattler CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Cyvern CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2
Daioh CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Dangerous Seed CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Darwin 4078 CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch 1-6 for "Cocktail" Mode
Desert Breaker CCW No NO YES
Desert War CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Devastators CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Dimahoo CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Do DonPachi II: Bee Storm CCW No NO YES
DoDonPachi CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES Hold Test Switch To Enter Menu
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu CCW YES
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label CCW No NO YES
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.5 CCW No NO YES
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou CCW No NO YES
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label CCW No NO YES
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Tamashii CCW No NO YES
DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou CCW YES
Dogyuun CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
DonPachi CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES Hold Test Switch To Enter Menu
DownTown CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Dr. Toppel's Adventure CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Dragon Blaze CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Dragon Saber CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Dragon Spirit CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Drift Out CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Eight Forces CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
ESP Ra.De. CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES Hold Test Switch To Enter Menu
Espgaluda CCW No NO YES
Espgaluda II CCW No NO YES
Evil Stone CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Explosive Breaker CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Extermination CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
F/A: Fighter & Attacker CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Fantasia CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch B-2
Fantasy '95 CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch B-2
Fast Lane CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Fever SOS CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES Hold Test Switch To Enter Menu
Fighting Hawk CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Final Star Force CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-5
Fire Shark CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
FixEight CCW Yes Test Mode YES YES
Flak Attack CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Flying Tiger CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
Gaiapolis CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2
Gain Ground CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Galaga '88 (Japan) CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Galaga '88 (World) CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Galmedes CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Gals Panic CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch B-2
Gang Busters CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Gekirindan CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Ghox CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Gigawing Generations
Gondomania CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Grind Stormer CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Guardian Storm CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-7
Guerrilla War CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Gulf Storm CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
Gun Dealer CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Gun Frontier CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Gun.Smoke CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch for "Cocktail" Mode
GunBarich CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Gunbird CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Gunbird 2 CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Gundhara CCW No NO YES
GunNail CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Guwange CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES Hold Test Switch To Enter Menu
HAL21 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-6
Hammer Away CW No YES NO
Heavy Barrel CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-7
Hotdog Storm CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Ibara Kuro Black Label CCW No NO YES
Ikari Warriors CCW No NO YES
Ikaruga CCW YES
Illvelo (Illmatic Envelope) CCW YES
Image Fight CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Jumping Cross CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-6
Kageki CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Karous CCW YES
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi CCW No NO YES
Kingdom Grandprix CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Konami '80s Arcade Gallery CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2
Krazy Bowl CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Kyros CW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch YES NO Switch 8 for "Cocktail" Mode
Lady Killer CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7
Last Duel CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-8
Last Mission CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch 1-6 for "Cocktail" Mode
Led Storm Rally 2011 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Legendary Wings CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-7
Lethal Thunder CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Lightning Fighters CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Mad Gear CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Mad Shark CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Mahjong Block Jongbou CW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch YES NO Switch for "Cocktail" Mode
Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! CCW YES
Many Block CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Marvin's Maze CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Master of Weapon CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Maze of Flott CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Mazinger Z CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Mercs CCW Yes YES YES Switch C-5
Meta Fox CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Mission Craft CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Muchi Muchi Pork! CCW No NO YES
Mushihime-Sama CCW No NO YES
Mushihime-Sama Futari CCW No NO YES
Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label CCW No NO YES
Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 CCW No NO YES
Namco 20 Year Reunion: Class of 1981 CW Cocktail Mode Test Menu YES NO "Cocktail" Mode
Namco Classics Collection Vol. 1 CW No YES NO
Namco Classics Collection Vol. 2 CW No YES NO
Nebulas Ray CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
New Fantasia CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch B-2
NFL Classic Football CCW Cocktail Mode NO YES Game is always in Cocktail Mode
Nitro Ball CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7
Nostradamus CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-5
Omega Fighter CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Out Zone CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Pack'n Bang Ban (prototype) CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Pac-Man 25th Anniversary CW Cocktail Mode Test Menu YES NO "Cocktail" Mode
Pac-Mania (Japan) CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Pac-Mania (World) CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Paddle Mania CW No YES NO
Pairs Love CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Party Time: Gonta The Diver II CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Passing Shot CCW No NO YES
Perestroika Girls CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Performan CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch 1-4
Phelios CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara CCW No NO YES
Playgirls CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Playgirls 2 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Plus Alpha CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Pollux CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
Poly Net Warriors CW YES
Polygonet Commander CW YES
Pound for Pound CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Psyvariar 2 - The Will to Fabricate CCW YES
Psyvariar: Medium Unit CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES 5th option, then 3rd option
Psyvariar: Revision CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES 5th option, then 4th option
Puzzle Club CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Quester CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Quester Special Edition CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Quiz Keitai Q mode CCW YES
Rack 'em Up CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Radirgy CCW YES
Raiden CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Raiden DX CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Raiden Fighters CCW Yes Switch YES YES Red Switch on Mobo
Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive CCW Yes Switch YES YES Red Switch on Mobo
Raiden Fighters Jet CCW Yes Switch YES YES Red Switch on Mobo
Raiden II CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Raiden III
Raiden IV
Rally Bike CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Ray Force (Ver 2.0) CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Ray Force (Ver 2.3) CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Red Hawk CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7 & 1-8
Rompers CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
R-Shark CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
Ryu Jin CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
S.S. Mission CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Samurai Aces CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
SAR: Search And Rescue CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Scramble Spirits CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
SD Gundam Neo Battling CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Sengeki Striker CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2
Shienryu CCW No NO YES
Shooting Love 2007 CCW YES
Skull Fang CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Sky Adventure CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Sky Alert CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7
Sky Soldiers CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Sonic Boom CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch 2-8 for "Cocktail" Mode
Sorcer Striker CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Space Bomber CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Space Invaders '95 CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Space Invaders Anniversary CCW No NO YES
Spectrum 2000 (vertical) CCW No NO YES
Storm Blade CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Strike Gunner S.T.G. CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Strikers 1945 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Strikers 1945 II CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Strikers 1945 III CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Super Contra CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Super Model CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch B-2
Super Qix CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Super Real Darwin CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Super Space Invaders '91 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Super Spacefortress Macross CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-6
Super Stingray CW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch YES NO Switch for "Cocktail" Mode
Super-X CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
T.N.K. III CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-6
Task Force Harrier CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch 1-8 for "Cocktail" Mode
Tenkomori Shooting CW Yes Test Menu YES YES Option Found under Screen Test
Tetris (cocktail) CCW Cocktail Mode NO YES Game is Always in Cocktail Mode
The Castle of Shikigami CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES 5th option, then 2nd option
The Castle of Shikigami II CCW YES
The Castle of Shikigami III
The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
The King of Fighters: Sky Stage
The Last Day CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-4
The Lost Castle In Darkmist CCW Cocktail Mode Dip Switch NO YES Switch 2-1 for "Cocktail" Mode
The Next Space CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Thunder & Lightning CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Thunder Dragon CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-8
Thunder Dragon 2 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-6
Thundercade CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Tiger-Heli CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-3
Time Scanner CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch E-1
Time Soldiers CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Tokio / Scramble Formation CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
Touchdown Fever CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Touchdown Fever II CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Tournament Arkanoid CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 7
Trick Trap CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 3-1
Trigger Heart Exelica CCW YES
Trizeal CCW YES
Truxton CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Truxton II CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Turbo Force CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1
Twin Cobra II CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Twin Eagle CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-7
Twin Hawk CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Typhoon CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch A-2
U.S. Classic CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Ultra X Weapons CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-7
Under Defeat CCW YES
Valkyrie No Densetsu CW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Vandyke CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Vanguard II CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-8
Vapor Trail - Hyper Formation CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Varia Metal CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-5
Variant Schwanzer
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch C-5
Vasara CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Vasara 2 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Victory Road CCW No NO YES
Vimania CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
Viper Phase 1 CCW Yes Switch YES YES Red Switch on Mobo
Volfied CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Vs. Hot Smash CW Yes Dip Switch YES YES
WaiWai Drive CCW No NO YES
War of Aero - Project MEIOU CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-1
Wiggie Waggie CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-2
Wing Force CCW YES
Wonder Planet CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7
Wrestle War CCW No NO YES
Wyvern F-0 CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 1-7
Wyvern Wings CCW Yes Test Menu YES YES
Zing Zing Zip CCW Yes Dip Switch YES YES Switch 2-1