Wii:Playing Game Backups

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Playing preserved copies of your games (or "backups") is a pretty simple process, and there are multiple ways to do so.

The easiest and most common way is to use a "USB Loader",

Using a USB Loader


  • Custom IOS needs to be installed
  • USB Loader GX, WiiFlow, or Configurable USB Loader
  • An External USB Hard Drive, using a flash drive is discouraged as they can be slow and incompatible with your USB Loader of choice. Format it as NTFS or FAT32. Do not format as extFS or WBFS as those are unsupported.
  • Preserved copies of your games, preferably in ISO or WBFS format.
  • (Optional) Use Wii Backup Manager on Windows to copy games over to your hard drive. It is unnecessary but can be useful for some users.

Instructions: This is not a full documentation of USB Loader GX, WiiFlow (Lite), or Configurable USB Loader. For that, please look at their own respective pages (which don't exist yet).

  1. Extract your USB Loader of choice and put it in the /apps folder of your storage device.
  2. The way to store backups on the hard drive is to put the .iso or .wbfs files in a folder called /wbfs on the root of your storage device.
  3. Either USB Loader should be fine with any standard USB Hard Drive, but USB Loader GX wants the hard drive to be in a specific USB port.
Exclamation-circle-fill.svgThe specific USB port for USB Loader GX is defined "port 0", being the port right-most of the console when stood up.

If USB Loader GX fails to find the hard drive, swap the USB port you used.