Page d'exemple
Example Page/fr
Tout avertissement d'importance critique couvrant toute la page doit figurer ici. Des avertissements tels que "Ce processus est susceptible de bricker votre console" peuvent s'afficher ici. |
La description de la page / du guide figure ici. Cela peut sembler superflu, mais les lecteurs peuvent être redirigés depuis une recherche Google plus ou moins liée et il est préférable d'expliquer dans le détail le but de la page ou les raisons pour lequel il est important de suivre le guide. Il est à noter que cette description ne figure pas sous un-tête, mais bien au-dessus de la table des matières.
Please note that the Spanish translation on this page was done as a quick example using the Microsoft Azure Translator. This does not reflect the quality of translations to be made on actual wiki pages. This page is an example layout of a wiki page. Section names are dependent on the page/guide, but this is a typical flow of a page.
Comparisons, tips, or other information that someone should know before beginning the mod. Mention model compatibility if the mod is only compatible with certain models. Perhaps, if there is a universally better option, suggest it here and link to the wiki page for it.
Required Materials
- Tools (T1 screwdriver, Philips screwdriver, soldering iron, etc)
- Modding products (RGB board, cable adapters, etc)
- Components (resistors, capacitors, etc)
- (Optional) Extra things that may make the mod easier or additional pieces you can add onto the mod.
Motherboard Preparation
- Disassemble the unit.
- Remove things from the motherboard.
- Add things to the motherboard.
- Bridge these pins.
Mod Installation
Choose an installation method below.
(Option 1) Preserving RF Output
This method is more difficult but preserves RF output.
- Mount mod board at this location (picture).
- Connect wires from here to here.
- Set these jumpers.
(Option 2) Sacrificing RF Output
This method is much easier but removes RF output.
- Mount mod board at this location (picture).
- Connect wires from here to here.
- Set these other jumpers.
- Test the solution by checking XYZ.
Finishing Up
- Clean up with isopropyl alcohol and test it.
- If testing fails then check X, Y, and Z.
- Reassemble the unit.
- Give usage instructions if necessary.
- Cover any additional options post-install, such as configuration jumpers or software settings.
Troubleshooting and Tips
- List specific tips here or common issues people run into.