Connector Pinouts

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Cartridge Port

Note: Odd-numbered pins are located on the bottom of the connector and numbered from left to right. Even-numbered pins are on the top and are also numbered from left to right.

Pin # Name Description Pin # Name Description
1 GND 2 GND / Video In (Intellivision II)
3 MSYNC Master Sync 4 CBLNK Character Blank
5 DB7 6 Audio In
7 DB8 8 Video In Genlocked Video Input
9 DB6 10 MCLK Master Clock (3.579545 MHz)
11 DB9 12 RESET
13 DB5 14 SR1 STIC Timing Signal
15 DB10 16 Unused
17 DB4 18 Unused
19 DB11 20 Unused
21 DB3 22 GND
23 DB12 24 GND
25 DB13 26 GND
27 DB2 28 GND
29 DB14 30 BUSAK Bus Acknowledge
31 DB1 32 BC1 In Bus Control Input 1
33 DB0 34 BC2 In Bus Control Input 2
35 DB15 36 BDIR In
37 BDIR Out 38 BDIR Out
39 BC2 Out Bus Control Output 2 40 BC2 Out Bus Control Output 2
41 BC1 Out Bus Control Output 1 42 BC1 Out Bus Control Output 1
43 5V 44 GND

Controller Port

This connector is only found on the Intellivision II and Sears Super Video Arcade, as they are the only Intellivision consoles with removable controllers. All controller pins except for GND are connected to the data input pins on the AY-3-8914 sound chip, and each direction and button shorts a different combination of these pins to GND, which are detailed in the matrix below.

Note: Female is connector at the console. Male is connector at the controller. Diagram pictured is of the connector at the controller end.

DB9 Female.svg
Pin # Description
1 B3 (1P) / A3 (2P)
2 B2 (1P) / A2 (2P)
3 B1 (1P) / A1 (2P)
4 B0 (1P) / A0 (2P)
6 B7 (1P) / A7 (2P)
7 B6 (1P) / A6 (2P)
8 B5 (1P) / A5 (2P)
9 B4 (1P) / A4 (2P)

Controller Matrix

The Intellivision controller disc with each direction numbered.
Direction/Button Controller Port Pins Pulled to GND
D1 2
D2 2 and 9
D3 2, 3 and 9
D4 2 and 3
D5 3
D6 3 and 9
D7 3, 4 and 9
D8 3 and 4
D9 4
D10 4 and 9
D11 1, 4 and 9
D12 1 and 4
D13 1
D14 1 and 9
D15 1, 2 and 9
D16 1 and 2
1 4 and 6
2 4 and 7
3 4 and 8
4 3 and 6
5 3 and 7
6 3 and 8
7 2 and 6
8 2 and 7
9 2 and 8
Clear 1 and 6
0 1 and 7
Enter 1 and 8
Top Fire Buttons 6 and 8
Bottom Left Fire Button 7 and 8
Bottom Right Fire Button 6 and 7