CLD-A100 Board Photos

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Exercise caution when servicing these assemblies - they are fragile, single side PCB's and leakage from capacitors as well as exposure to extreme thermal environments may have compromised the integrity of the annular rings. It is advised to keep soldering iron/desoldering gun temperatures at 360 C or lower.

SYPS - Power Supply

The power supply contains the circuitry for the spindle motor drive in addition to the 5 separate voltage rails (+5v Standby, +5V, -5V, +14V and -14V). There are 3 revisions of the power supply, but the changes are centered around the fuse selection and whether or not there is a supplemental fuse. USA and Japanese players have the same power supply, with the exception of the AC cable. If the SYPS does not have the supplemental fuse, it is highly recommended to add it ( It is also strongly advised to replace resistors R301-R304, which bias the transistor switch for the -5V rail. They commonly fail open and cause a loss of -5V, which can result in catastrophic damage to the pickup and analog audio demodulator IC, among others.

INTF - PAC Interface Board

INTF contains the mode controller ASIC, EFM decoding, digital audio processing and interface to the PAC port. The large 1200uF capacitor on this board is often leaking and may have corroded the +5V power trace to the PAC port.

CONT - Mechanism Controller Board

CONT contains the Mechanism controller and audio amplifiers. Additionally, signals from FTSB to VIDEO are passed through this board via the myriad ribbon cables. It is advised to reflow the solder on the 3 right angle connectors that connect CONT to INTF, as they often develop cracked solder joints and can interrupt communication between INTF and the mechanism controller.

FTSB - Focus/Tracking Servo Board

FTSB performs the RF amplification of the RF waveform from the optical pickup. Additionally, it has the driving circuitry for the focus and tracking coils. This board should have its capacitors replaced, as C835 and C836, near the Focus/Tracking push-pull transistors, often have begun leaking. It is also advised to reflow IC802 and Q815-818, in addition to the power ribbon solder connections to ensure longevity.

RGBB - RGB Encoder Board

RGBB contains the circuitry that encodes RGB from the PAC's into composite video and superpositions it with LD video sources, if present (i.e. Mega LD/LDROM2). It also has the character generator DSP for the on-screen display text.

VIDEO - Video Processing Board

VIDEO has all of the processing circuitry for LD composite video, analog audio demodulation and pre-drive circuitry for the spindle motor, with the remaining drive circuitry located on SYPS.