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Author DaveeFTW (Original)

The Zett (v7.1 and v7.2)

krazynez (v7.3 onwards)
Type PSP Firmware Downgrader/Reinstaller
Version v7.6.1
License Open
Website N/A

Chronoswitch is a homebrew PSP utility that allows a console to freely upgrade and downgrade official PSP firmware. It is mainly useful for reverting a cIPL or Infinity console with legacy CFW to OFW, either for installing cIPL ARK-4 or just returning a console to a stock configuration.

The following guide has instructions courtesy of the one from pspunk.


  • Having at least 80% battery life
  • Fully secured battery that will not fall out
  • Ideally, a charger plugged into the system
  • A 6.20 or newer firmware update. Anything older instead requires a compatible PSP with a JigKick & Magic Memory Stick.


  1. Download the latest build of Chronoswitch.
  2. Get the desired firmware update for your PSP. They can be reached from the following places:
  3. Transfer Chronoswitch's EBOOT.PBP file in the file path of =PSP/GAME/Chronoswitch/EBOOT.PBP on the console's memory stick.
  4. Transfer the firmware update file to PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP on the console's memory stick.
    • If your update file is named something like 6.61.PBP, rename it to EBOOT.PBP
  5. Launch the Chronoswitch application and follow the on-screen instructions. Once completed, the PSP will restart and will now be on the official firmware version that was chosen.