PSP:Updating your Firmware (OFW)

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Updating firmware on the PlayStation Portable is a fairly simple process, and is required to use newer custom firmwares.

If your console is currently on 6.xx custom firmware older than 6.61, you will still be able to update to 6.60 or 6.61 with an official firmware update like if you were updating from OFW.

Updating with the Internet

Exclamation-circle-fill.svgThe PSP does not support modern Wi-Fi encryption standards (WPA 2/3), so you will need access to a network with WPA 1/2 mixed, WPA 1, WEP, or no encryption. The Wi-Fi network also needs to support 802.11b, or "Wireless B". A mobile phone's hotspot with open security is an easy solution to get a PSP online temporarily.
Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgThe PSP Street (E1000) does not have any Wi-Fi connectivity!

Updating via the internet will download a 6.61 update directly from Sony.

  1. Select (Settings) > (System Update).
    • You must have a Memory Stick inserted if you are using a PSP-1000/2000/3000 series system. 32 MB Memory Sticks cannot store updates newer than 6.20.
  2. Select [Update via Internet].
  3. Select the connection that you want to use. The system connects to the network using an access point.
    • If you do not have a connection saved, select [New Connection] to create a connection.
  4. Download the update data. When connected to the network, the system scans for the latest update data. Follow the on-screen instructions to download the update data and to start the update.
    • If you do not want to update the system immediately after the download, you can do so later by selecting (Settings) > (System Update) > [Update via Storage Media] to install the update data.
  5. Press the X button. (O button if on a Japanese console) The update process will begin.

Updating with Storage Media

To perform an update via storage media, you must first download the update data by selecting [Update via Internet] or by using a PC. Game discs may also contain firmware updates. You can find official firmware updates on this listing, Darthsternie's archive, or the Midnightchannel archive.

You can also find the 6.61 OFWs directly from the following links:

  1. Connect either the PSP to a computer/phone/tablet using a mini-USB cable, or connect its Memory Stick to a computer using a Memory Stick compatible card reader.
    • You must have a Memory Stick inserted if you are using a PSP Street (E1000) or PSP-1000/2000/3000 series system. 32 MB Memory Sticks cannot store updates newer than 6.20.
    • The PSP-Go has built-in memory, but requires a compatible USB cable to be accessed.
  2. If you are connecting the PSP directly to a computer, you will need to enable the USB connection in the settings if USB Auto Connect is disabled.
  3. Install and rename the desired firmware update to PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP on the console's Memory Stick.
    • If you downloaded the update from ConsoleMods, simply extract the zip file to the root of your Memory Stick.
  4. Either select the update application in the (Game) coulumn or select (Settings) > (System Update) > [Update via Storage Media] in the Settings.
  5. After running the update application, go through the on-screen prompts and the update process will begin.

Updating from old CFW

If your PSP currently has an old CFW such as 5.50 GEN, it may have an update blocker enabled and/or broken IDStorage. To enable firmware updates, you can do so with the following steps.

Guide courtesy of the PSP Dev Wiki.

Updating from CFW older than 6.xx to 5.00 M33 or upgrading from 1.50 OFW

  1. Download this upgrade kit and extract the contents of the zip to your console's memory stick.
  2. Launch the Recovery Flasher and press X on "Install CFW" while target FW is set to 5.00. You can optionally choose to reset the console's settings as well, but they may get reset during the process anyway.
  3. You should be able to install 6.xx firmware updates like usual. If you get a DRNFFFFFxx related error, continue to the next step.

Fixing IDStorage (Needed to fix DRNFFFFFxx errors)

  1. First, you will need to identify your motherboard.
  2. Go to the GAME column in the XMB, select your Memory Stick, and run pspIdent.
  3. The program will show information about your console's revision. It is highly recommend to use pspIdent's built in screenshot feature to note it for later.
  4. Exit to the XMB using the HOME button. Now run the Key Cleaner application.
  5. Key Cleaner will try to automatically determine your motherboard revision, but its automatic detection can be flawed if the IDStorage is too corrupt. Use the information earlier obtained from pspIdent to determine what setting you need to use.
  6. Press X to analyze keys, then press the button that corresponds to your motherboard's group. Key Cleaner will scan your IDStorage keys and determine if any need to be fixed. If you're prompted to fix any keys, you should do so.
  7. Once it's done checking, you should be asked about key 0x0005, you want this key to be unpatched. You already upgraded/downgraded to 5.00 m33 which has a custom IPL, so this is safe to do. You should end up back on the main screen of Key Cleaner, then you can exit with the O button.
  8. You should now be able to update to 6.6x, like if you were on OFW.