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Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgAlthough bricks are rare, they can still happen and this mod performs permanent changes to your Wii's NAND. These instructions are not compatible with the Wii Mini. Do not perform these instructions on a Wii Mini as that will likely result in a brick. Consolemods.org nor it's writers take no responsibility for anything that happens to your Wii.

BootMii is a homebrew tool developed by Team Twiizers that allows low-level control of the Nintendo Wii, almost immediately after you press the Power button (when installed as a 'boot2').

Most people use it and PriiLoader as ‘brick protection’, as in when something goes wrong with your Wii software-wise, you can revive it.

It has two methods of installation: a 'boot2' patch and an IOS patch. Both methods install the same thing with no differences.

Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgThe boot2 patch can only be installed on Wii systems made before an unknown point in 2008 due to a difference in their boot1. It cannot be installed on Wii U's vWii either due to vast hardware differences.

What you need for BootMii

  • Firstly, to even install BootMii, you need the HackMii Installer software; a simple boot.elf file on the root of your SD Card that can be run using your preferred method.
  • As stated earlier, you need an SD Card. USB storage devices will not work as the Wii is not programmed to naturally access them.
  • In order for BootMii to run and draw an interface on the screen, it needs runtime files situated in a /bootmii folder on the root of your SD Card.
Exclamation-circle-fill.svgDon't worry, these files will automatically be created upon installation of BootMii from HackMii Installer; though it is strongly advised to back these files up.


  • Once you have the HackMii Installer prepared following this guide, run it using your preferred exploit method and wait until you are prompted to press 1.
  • Once you press 1, a prompt will appear saying "The test results are in:" and then it says what you can and can't install.
Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgKnowing whether you can install BootMii as a boot2 or not is extremely important because its boot2 form serves as the premier method of brick protection.
  • Press A to proceed to a menu in which there are options for installing either the Homebrew Channel or BootMii. You know which button to click already.
  • Upon clicking the BootMii button, there will be options to install the IOS patch or the boot2 patch. Choose whichever, but boot2 is recommended.
Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgWhen you click the button to install BootMii using your preferred method, you will need an SD Card, as stated much earlier. Click “Yes, take me now” on the prompt to continue installation if you already have an SD Card inserted.
  • After clicking Yes, the runtime files needed to run BootMii are written to the /bootmii folder on the SD root. It will then ask you:

Would you like to install BootMii/[method] now?

  • Click Yes.
  • A window will then appear saying “Erasing NAND blocks…”. Don't panic! It's clearing up space for BootMii. Wait a moment, and the installer will indicate that BootMii has been successfully installed.

Running BootMii

Exclamation-circle-fill.svgBootMii, when installed as a boot2, is run almost immediately when the Power button is pressed. The IOS version of BootMii is only run in the HomeBrew Channel when pressing the HOME button and clicking on "Launch BootMii".


What to do after BootMii is installed?

NAND Backup

If you installed BootMii for brick protection, the main thing you’d want to do is make a fresh NAND backup for future restoration in case things go wrong.

Do this by navigating to and clicking on the button with the gears on it, and then clicking the first highlighted button with the green arrow pointing to an SD Card.

Exclamation-circle-fill.svgThe green arrow means backup. The red arrow means restore.

If you get any "bad blocks" during the backup process, don’t panic. It’s normal.

After the backup and verification process, you should put your SD Card into your computer and back up your newly created nand.bin and keys.bin files to a safe location.

Exclamation-circle-fill.svgBy the way, backup files will be saved to the root of your SD Card.

NAND Restoration

Go to the same menu mentioned before, but click on the button with an SD Card and a red arrow pointing to a memory chip.

This will restore your NAND using the nand.bin file on your SD Card. Make sure it isn’t corrupted or nothing has happened to it.

If your console was previously bricked... Due to the restoration, you'll see your console will be unbricked when you get past the black screen of your bricked NAND and you see the glorious System Menu.

Running Software from SD Cards

With BootMii, you can run software from SD Cards in the event of something going wrong regarding the HomeBrew Channel.
Upon first boot of BootMii, click on the button with an SD Card on it to bring up a file browser.
This will run any .elf or .dol file you so choose without using the HBC.