Connector Pinouts

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The Wii U uses the same pinouts as the predecessor, the Wii.

Wii U Multi A/V Connector Pinout

MODE pins: On PAL systems the default output is RGB + composite, on NTSC the default is S-video + composite. With pins 8 and 10 shorted, systems from both territories will switch to component video.

Pins 14, 15 and 16 are used by the Japanese D-Terminal cable. They are confirmed non-functional on PAL consoles.

Wii AV.svg
Pin # Name Description Pin # Name Description
1 AL Audio Left 2 AR Audio Right
3 VC Video Composite 4 PWR +5v
5 GND Video Composite Ground 6 GND Audio Ground
7 R / Luma/ Y Red (PAL), Luma (NTSC), Analog Component Y 8 Mode Mode select. If shorted with Pin 10, Pin 7, 9 and 11 will output YPbPr (Analog Component)
9 G / Chroma / Pb Green (PAL), Chroma (NTSC), Analog Component Pb 10 Mode Mode select. If shorted with Pin 8, pin 7, 9 and 11 will output YPbPr (Analog Component)
11 B / Pr Blue (PAL), Analog Component Pr 12 GND RGB Ground
13 PWR +12v 14 DATA Data Line 1 (Used to change number of lines)
15 DATA Data Line 2 (used to change from interlaced to progressive) 16 DATA Data Line 3 (Used to change from 4:3 to letterbox and 16:9)

Data Line 1: 0V = 525 lines (default) ; 2.2V = 750 lines ; 5V = 1125 lines

Data Line 2: 0V = 59.94i / 60i ; 5V = 59.94p / 60p

Data Line 3: 0V = 4:3 ; 2.2V = 4:3 letterbox ; 5V = 16:9

Wii U Other Connector Pinouts

The Wii U also has a Wii Sensor Bar connector for backwards compatibility with Wii games. The connector nominally outputs 12v, but the power supply circuitry makes it drop to around 7-7.5v under load.

Wii sensor bar.jpg
Pin # Name
1 Ground
2 Power