InsideGadgets WS 8MB/256k FRAM Flash Cart

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The insideGadgets WS 8MB cart is a relatively recent singlerom flashcart. It supports games with up to 8MB roms, and 32KB saves. It uses the insideGadgets GBxCart to flash and dump roms or saves. It uses an adapter and second row of pins in order to avoid the issue of sourcing hard to find WonderSwan cart slots.


Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgThe iG Cartridge only support SAM saves. Use an EEPROM to SRAM Patch to convert roms first. At this time only Tetris has been tested.
  1. Connect the cart to a GBxCart using the provided adapter.
  2. Use the Flasher Program to write ROM files to the cart. Simply drag and drop the rom file to the .exe file in Windows Explorer. The Save Management Program works in a similar way, and is also capable of backing up save files.

Video of Flashing Process: Wonderswan 4MB Flash Cart Re-writing