USB Mods
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While most modding capabilities require an RGH/JTAG to run unsigned code, some mods can be performed using a USB flash drive. Essentially all games after Modern Warfare 2 have better security which prevents these simple mods to be used online.
In general, USB mods are limited to:
- Game save modding
- Using other people's game saves
- Changing values in your offline profile
- Making a custom gamer picture
- Making a custom theme
- Injecting DRM-free DLC and games (very few)
- Modifying your achievement score (ban risk)
- Modifying your avatar (high ban risk)
To access game saves or profiles to mod, you have to insert a USB flash drive into your console, format it, then manually move your saves to the flash drive. From there, data can be accessed only using a file manager tool (one listed below), extracted, and modified to your liking.
Popular Programs
File Managers
- Horizon
- Hex Editor
- Xplorer 360
- Party Buffalo Driver Explorer
- Xport 360
- Modio
- Le Fluffie
Achievement Modding
- Le Fluffie
- Xbox 360 Achievement Unlocker
All-in-One Tools
- Horizon Beta
- Modio Beta
- Eclipse
- Darkfall
- Le Fluffie
Mod Downloaders
- Grunt Modder
- GPD Downloader
- Halo 3 Maps
Profile Tools
- exProfileEditor
- Crown Profile Editor
- Gamer Picture Injector (GPI)
- Xbox Profile Tool
- Xbox Bio Creator
Miscellaneous Tools
- Container Edits v2
- CON Flag Remover
- CONcept 0.3
- ConCream
- Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculator
- Siggggggy
Game Tools
Halo Tools
- Halo Screenshot Tool
- Halo Toolbox 3.5
- Forge x.x
- Halo 3 Toy Box
Call of Duty Tools
- CoD Tool Save Editor (Modern Warfare, World at War)
- Gummy Mods' Multi Cod Tool (Black Ops 2)
- EzGT Final (Modern Warfare 2, more)
- Fresh Patch (Modern Warfare 2)
- Clan Edit
- FF Viewer
- Hadezz GT Editor 2.2
- iHC Patch Maker (Modern Warfare 2)
- Xero (Black Ops)
Borderlands Tools
- Gibbed's Borderlands Save Editor
- Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Editor
- Gibbed's Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Save Editor
- Willow Tree (Borderlands)
Miscellaneous Game Tools
- Fallout 3 Visual Editor Final
- Metro 2033 - Save Editor
- Arcturus (Star Ocean)
- Bayonetta Save Editor
- The Last Remnant Save Editor
- Forza 2 Advanced Editor
- Saints Row Save Editor
- Oblivion Stats Editor
- Sonic Unleashed Save Editor
- Biohazard 5 Editor (Resident Evil 5)
- DOOM Mod Tool
- Dynasty Warriors 5 Save Resigner
- Fable 2 Mod Tool
- Gears of War 2 Editor
- Gears of War 2 Mod Tool
- iHC Patch Maker (Modern Warfare 2 and Red Dead Redemption)
- Mass Effect 2 Game Save Editor
- Prototype Tool
- Red Dead Redemption Editor
- Saints Row 2 Game Save Tool
- Xero (Fallout: New Vegas and Black Ops)