
From ConsoleMods Wiki
Revision as of 17:14, 10 August 2022 by FartFacePoopyPants (talk | contribs) (Removed steps about setting a manual IP address as it is introduces unnecessary complications in the process. An automatically assigned DHCP address works fine. Additionally, I modified the instructions referring to "Flash Memory Manager" tabs as this h)
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Exclamation-triangle-fill.svgThere is always a chance of bricking your console when flashing data to the NAND/NOR chip.

To minimize the chance of bricking, do NOT skip any of the following sections. This process will use a recently released software hack to to allow the installation of custom firmware. Check to make sure that your console is CFW compatible.

With any newly released exploit of this caliber, there is always a chance that you can brick your console. Follow all sections of this guide exactly as how they are written.

Materials Needed

  • A USB storage device, formatted as FAT32 with 32kb allocation size.
  • PyPS3Checker.
  • CFW capable PS3 running an OFW or HFW between 4.80 and 4.89 (inclusive)

Running PS3Xploit

Choose one of the methods below to follow. The Exploit-Loading Site requires internet connection, while the Self-Host option does not but requires slightly more work and has a larger risk of error.

(Method 1) Using an Exploit-Loading Site

Temporary steps as & .net are down as of 8th of August 2022, this guide assumes a wireless connection between router and PS3:

  1. Navigate to the "Settings" column of the XMB and select "Network Settings", and then "Internet Connection Settings", press "OK".
  2. Select "Custom" for the setting method.
  3. Select "Wireless"
  4. Select "Scan" for WLAN settings, select your network, enter its SSID and WLAN Security Settings as normal (usually the default selected)
  5. On the IP Address Setting screen, select "Automatic" if you would like to have your router provide your address (this is the most common configuration for a wireless connection).
  6. On the DHCP Host Name screen, select "Do not set" as a DHCP host name is not required for this purpose.
  7. At the "DNS Settings" screen, select "Manual" as we will need to provide our own DNS servers in order to allow the PS3Xploit site to work correctly.
  8. Enter "" for the Primary DNS
  9. Enter "" for the Secondary DNS
    • If you are still unable to connect to using, you can try using "" for the secondary DNS server
  10. Continue setting up the internet connection settings as normal (usually the default settings) and press "Test Connection" once prompted
    • Note: it is normal for the "Internet Connection" test to fail!
  11. Continue on with the guide below as normal

  1. Ensure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32, and that it is recognized by your PS3 by checking that it shows up on the XMB under Photos, Music, or Videos column.
  2. Plug the USB drive into the right-most USB port.
  3. Navigate to the Network column of the XMB and select "Internet Browser". Press Start and enter the URL for the PS3Xploit website: Press "yes" when prompted to load a plugin. You should see a green checkmark or a red X depending on whether your PS3 is CFW compatible.
  4. Press Triangle, scroll down one option and select Tools → Home Page. Scroll down two options to "Use Current" and press Cross. Scroll down to OK and press Cross to exit this menu.
  5. Clear your cookies and cache by going to Tools. Press Circle and choose Yes to exit the browser.
  6. Launch the Internet Browser again. Make sure to press Cross and load the plugin. If you see an error in the top right, restart your console then open the Internet Browser again.
  7. Hover over the "System" tab and press Cross.
  8. Press Cross on "Flash Memory" then Cross on "Save Flash Memory Backup".
  9. On the now open menu, select "dev_usb" (followed by some numbers) as the destination, and press Cross on the Save button.
  10. Clear cookies and cache again, then exit the browser. Unplug your USB, put it back into your computer, then copy the flash dump file (dump.hex) from the root of your USB to your desktop.
    • Backup the dump.hex file to a safe location. Should you manage to brick your PS3, this file will be used with a hardware flasher to restore the console!
  11. Extract the PyPS3Checker zip into a folder of your choice. Drag dump.hex onto the .bat file inside that folder and make sure the total number of "Dangers" and "Warnings" is 0 for both. If you see any "Dangers" or "Warnings", repeat the dump and try again.
  12. Open the Internet Browser again, ensuring you load the plugin once again, and make sure the top right says the exploit is initialized. Press Cross on the "System" tab.
  13. Press Cross on "Flash Memory Patch". Press Cross on "Load Patch via HTTPS". Wait for it to download.
  14. Press Cross on "Apply loaded Patch". DO NOT INTERRUPT THE PATCHING PROCESS. It may take a few minutes to complete.
  15. Once you see a green checkmark, close the Internet Browser and reboot your console.
  16. Proceed to install a CFW of equal or higher version with the "Installing a CFW" instructions found below.

(Method 2) Self-hosting the Exploit

If you wish to run PS3Xploit without using the internet, you can host the exploit web page using your PC instead of an exploit loader site. Visit the PS3Xploit (NAND) or PS3Xploit (NOR) page for instructions on how to do this. If you are not sure whether your PS3 is a NAND or NOR console, visit either page and use the chart to find out.

Exclamation-circle-fill.svgIt appears that self-host files have not been released for >4.85 firmware. If you have a higher firmware, you will need to use the internet hosted method.

Installing a CFW

  1. Remove the USB Drive from your PS3 and plug it into your PC.
  2. Create a folder on the root of the drive titled "PS3", and inside of that folder, create a new folder called "UPDATE".
  3. Download your desired CFW of equal or higher version, or a CFW spoofed to the latest version. The most recent firmwares can be found on this page. Regardless of which firmware you choose, verify the MD5 hash of the .PUP file to ensure that the file is not corrupt.
    • In order to go to a lower version CFW, you must install a CFW of equal or higher version and then install the Habib QA Toggle PKG, run it, and reboot before you can install the desired CFW.
  4. Rename the CFW .PUP to "PS3UPDAT.PUP".
  5. Move the PUP to the UPDATE folder on the USB drive.
  6. Remove the USB drive from your PC and plug it into a USB port on your PS3. **Make sure to remove any disc inside your console**.
  7. On your PS3, navigate to Settings → System Update, then Update from Removable Media.
  8. Go through all the necessary prompts to install the firmware onto your system. If all goes well, you should now be on CFW.
    • If you get a error saying "The data is corrupted" and you had verified the MD5 hash, then the PS3xploit patch most likely failed and you should try the exploit again.
    • If you receive error 8002F1F9, check that your disc drive and Bluetooth are working. If they are not, you need to use a No-BD firmware.
  9. (Optional) Visit this page of the wiki to learn about the basic things you can do with your newly hacked PS3, and explore the rest of the PS3 Mods Wiki.

Bad Flash Recovery

In the event that something goes wrong while flashing your NAND, and your console is not working properly (or "bricked"), you may be able to recover it by updating the firmware normally through the XMB, ensuring you haven't shut down your console. Otherwise you can possibly boot into recovery mode and reinstall your current firmware from there. If this does not work, you will need to use a a hardware flasher to reflash. Please see Bad Flash Recovery section of the E3 Flasher, Teensy or ProgSkeet guides.