Jaguar:Jaguar GameDrive

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The RetroHQ Jaguar GameDrive cartridge allows you to play the full catalogue of Atari Jaguar games and homebrew directly from a FAT32-formatted memory card. Note that JagLink is not currently supported.

Compatible filetypes:

  • JAG
  • J64
  • ROM
  • BIN
  • ABS
  • JCD (Jaguar CD)

The official instructions and troubleshooting leaflet that comes with the GameDrive has a digital version available on the RetroHQ website (archive.


  1. Format a micro SD card as FAT32. You can use the FAT32 formatter GUI if it is too large for Windows to partition as FAT32.
  2. Safely eject the SD card and plug the SD card into your GameDrive and verify the console will boot with it.
  3. Turn off the console and remove the SD card. You can now load ROMs onto the SD card. It will accept any file and folder layout.
    • If you have .mrq files, place them in the same directory and with the same name as the game file.


  1. Power on the Jaguar with the GameDrive inserted and press the Option button when prompted on the RetroHQ boot screen.
  2. Scan the QR code that is displayed or open a browser to the displayed URL. The site will display if an update is available to download.
  3. If an update is available, download it and place it on the root of your GameDrive SD card.
  4. Turn on the Jaguar and allow it to apply the update.
Exclamation-circle-fill.svgIf you bought your Jaguar GameDrive from the first production batch, you will need to update to this build of the v1.13 firmware (archive) first to enable the ability to update normally.

Marquee (MRQ) Files

You can add artwork to the GameDrive menu when hovering over a game by placing .mrq files in the same location as a game ROM. Both regular games and CD games support MRQ files.


When you save a game, the save file is created in the same location as the ROM. The Atari Jaguar normally supports saving CD-based games to a cartridge called the MemoryTrack. When playing Jaguar CD games on the GameDrive, the game saves are saved to a hidden MTRACK folder on the root of the SD card.

CD Game Support

Jaguar CD games can be launched on the GameDrive, however, it is considered to be in a beta state. See the Jaguar:Jaguar GameDrive CD Compatibility List for a list of compatible games.

  • All CD images must be converted to .jcd format using CD2JCD (archive).
  • Even if your SD card plays normal Jaguar games without any problems and is a "name brand" card, it may have issues with CD games. If your experience with the below games differs from the listed status, try another SD card. Common issues seen with incompatible SD cards is FMVs repeating often or crashing, games crashing, freezing on transitions where data is loaded, scrambled graphics, or missing audio.
  • CD games must be loaded on the SD card contiguously. This means that any time you wish to add or remove games from the SD card, you will need to format the SD card (as FAT32), then copy all games over at once so that it is fully contiguous and not fragmented. If a game is not contiguous, the GameDrive will detect it and not attempt to run the game.