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| [[Odyssey:Odyssey Mods Wiki|Philips Odyssey 2001]]
| [[Odyssey:Odyssey Mods Wiki|Philips Odyssey 2001]]
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Revision as of 07:40, 4 May 2022


This article is intended as a guide to original power supplies for various vintage consoles. Its purpose is to document various power ratings information for specific consoles, whether or not the power supplies are built internally into the console, and to inform users as to their requirements when making decisions about replacement power supplies.

Generally speaking, the "Voltage" figure on the power supply should match the official specs (below) as closely as possible. As amperage refers to potential current (and the device will only draw as much as required) - the A (or the mA) figure may be higher than what the console requires to operate, but should not be lower. Also, if the the output is DC, the user should make sure the polarity matches also.

The figures below do not account for additional power draw caused by various modifications, flashcart devices, wireless controllers or similar after-market additions.


* = Triad solution available

Consoles List

Console Generation Voltage Amps Polarity Part No. Connection Power Supply Notes Pictures
Magnavox Odyssey First Generation Output: 9V DC 400 mA Tip positive ? 2.5 mm TS jack ? Odyssey can be powered by six "C" cell batteries, or an Atari 2600 power adapter with a 3.5-to-2.5 mm tip adapter Odyssey batteries.jpg
Magnavox Odyssey 100 First Generation Output: 9V DC 200 mA ? PIDB-15 3.5 mm TS jack ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9V AC adapter. Magnavox odyssey 100.jpg
Magnavox Odyssey 200 First Generation OUTPUT 9V AC 100ma ? ? ? ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9 volt AC adapter. Magnavox-Odyssey-200-power-supply.jpeg
Magnavox Odyssey 300 First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 100ma ? ? ? ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9 volt AC adapter. Magnavox-Odyssey-300-power-supplyjpeg.jpeg
Magnavox Odyssey 400 First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 100ma ? ? ? ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9 volt AC adapter. Odyssey 400 power supply.jpeg
Magnavox Odyssey 500 First Generation Output 9 volts ? ? ? ? ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9 volt AC adapter. Magnavox-Odyssey-500-power-supply.jpeg
Magnavox Odyssey 4305 First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? The Odyssey 4305 is a 19” television with a built-in Odyssey console; the power supply components are likely chassis-mounted (TBC).
Magnavox Odyssey 2000 First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9 volt AC adapter. Magnavox odyssey 2000 power supply.jpeg
Magnavox Odyssey 3000 First Generation OUTPUT 9 volts 78mA ? ? ? ? Console is powered by either six "C" batteries or a 9 volt AC adapter. Magnavox-Odyssey-3000-power-supply.jpeg
Magnavox Odyssey 4000 First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 100 mA ? ? ? ? Unlike most Odyssey models, the AC adapter is necessary as the console does not use batteries. Magnavox Odyssey 4000 power supply.jpeg
Philips Odyssey 200 First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? European release of Magnavox Odyssey 200. Unclear if batteries can be used (TBC)
Philips Odyssey 2001 First Generation 18,6V- 120mA ? ? ? ? Unlike most Odyssey models, the AC adapter is necessary as the console does not use batteries. Philips-Odyssey-2001-power.jpeg
Philips Odyssey 2100 First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? Unlike most Odyssey models, the AC adapter is necessary as the console does not use batteries. Philips-Odyssey-2100-power-supply.jpeg
TV Tennis Electrotennis First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Atari Home Pong (Model C-100) First Generation 5.5V DC 100 mA ? ? ? External PSU ? Ataripongc100.png
Atari Super Pong (Model C-140) First Generation OUTPUT 6V DC ? ? ? ? External Power Supply Unit (6V) Console can be powered by four "D"-size batteries Ataripong.jpg
Coleco Telstar First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 100mA ? ? ? ? ? Original-Coleco-Telstar-power-supply.jpeg
Coleco Telstar Classic First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Deluxe First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Ranger First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 100 mA ? ? ? ? ? Original-Coleco-Telstar-power-supply.jpeg
Coleco Telstar Alpha First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 100 mA ? ? ? ? ? Coleco-Telstar-Alpha-power-supply.jpeg
Coleco Telstar Colormatic First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 200 mA ? ? ? ? ? Colormatic-power-supply.jpeg
Coleco Telstar Regent First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Sportsman First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Combat! First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Colortron First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Colortron-power-supply.jpeg
Coleco Telstar Marksman First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 200mA ? ? ? ? ? Coleco-Telstar-Marksman-power-supply.jpeg
Coleco Telstar Galaxy First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Gemini First Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coleco Telstar Arcade First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 200 mA ? ? ? ? ? Coleco-Telstar-arcade-power-supply.jpeg
Nintendo Color TV - Game 6 First Generation OUTPUT 9V DC ? ? ? ? ? ? Nintendo-Color-TV-Game-6.jpeg
Atari 2600 Second Generation 9V DC 500 mA Tip positive CO10472 3.5 mm TS jack ? Different styles of this AC adapter exist, but all have the same specs and part number
Magnavox Odyssey 2 Second Generation 9V AC-12V AC, depending on PSU 400 mA-830 mA, depending on PSU N/A ? 3.5 mm TS jack (early models) or 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack (later models) ? Multiple revisions of the Odyssey 2 AC adapter exist, each with slightly different voltage and current ratings
Philips Videopac G7000 (European release of Odyssey 2) Second Generation OUTPUT 9V DC 1.3 A ? FW3300 ? ? ? Philips Videopac G7000 power supply.jpeg
Mattel Intellivision Second Generation Input: 120V AC; Output: 5V DC, 12V DC, 16V DC (unregulated), -2.1V DC ? N/A, power cord to electrical outlet is hardwired ? N/A ? Internal PSU
Mattel Intellivision II Second Generation 16.7V AC 1 A N/A 5872-9629 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ? A variation exists with slightly lower output voltage and current ratings (16.2V AC and 955 mA)
Coleco ColecoVision Second Generation 5V DC, -5V DC, 12V DC 0.9 A (5V), 0.1 A (-5V), 0.3 A (12V) N/A, connector is keyed 55416 Rectangular four-pin connector, same as used by the TI-99/4A computer (though not the same pinout!) ? ?
Atari 5200 (Four controller port model) Second Generation 11.5V DC 1.95 A Tip positive ? 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ? The four-port Atari 5200 had an interesting "one cable" design where both the RF signal and the power ran through one coaxial cable which was permanently attached to the system. A power mod is available that allows the console to use a conventional switch box or direct RF adapter.
Atari 5200 (Two controller port model) Second Generation 9.3V DC 1.95 A Tip positive C018187 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ?
GCE/MB Vectrex Second Generation ? ? N/A, power cord to electrical outlet is hardwired ? N/A ? Internal PSU
Nintendo Entertainment System (US) * Third Generation 9V AC 1.2 A N/A NES-002 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? The NES will accept a DC power supply so long as the voltage and current are within spec
Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) * Third Generation 9V AC 1.2 A N/A NES-002 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ? The NES will accept a DC power supply so long as the voltage and current are within spec
Famicom * Third Generation 10V DC 850 mA Tip negative HVC-002 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? Applies to both original and AV Famicom models
Twin Famicom Third Generation 7.6V DC 1.25 A Tip positive UADP-0041CEZZ 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ? Please note that the Twin Famicom's power circuitry is very sensitive to input voltage, anything higher than 7.6V causes the power transistor to run very hot
Sega SG-1000 * Third Generation 9V DC 850 mA Tip negative SA-150 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
Sega Mark III * Third Generation 9V DC 850 mA Tip negative SA-150 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
Sega Master System * Third Generation 9V DC 1 A Tip negative 3025 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? Different styles of this AC adapter exist, but all have the same specs and part number
Atari 7800 Third Generation 9V DC 1 A N/A, connector is keyed CO24471-001 ? ? Different styles of this AC adapter exist, but all have the same specs and part number
Amstrad GX4000 * Third Generation 11V DC 500 mA Tip positive GX4000PSU/UK (UK), GX4000PSU/E (EU) 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
NEC TurboGrafx 16 * Fourth Generation 10.5V DC 730 mA Tip negative HES-ACA-01 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ? Turbografx16 power supply.jpg
PC Engine * Fourth Generation 9V DC 650 mA Tip negative PAD-105 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
NEC TurboGrafx CD * Fourth Generation 11V DC 1.53 A Tip negative HES-ACA-02 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ? ?
NEC SuperGrafx * Fourth Generation 9V DC 800 mA Tip positive PAD-113 6.3 x 3.0 mm barrel jack ? ?
NEC TurboDuo/PC Engine Duo * Fourth Generation 10V DC 1 A Tip positive HES-ACA-05 (US), PAD-124 (JP) 6.3 x 3.0 mm barrel jack ? ?
NEC PC Engine Duo-R/Duo-RX * Fourth Generation 9V DC 1 A Tip positive PAD-129 EIAJ-03 barrel jack ?
Sega Genesis (model 1) * Fourth Generation 9V DC 1.2 A Tip negative MK-1602 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
Sega Mega Drive (model 1) * Fourth Generation 9V DC 1.2 A Tip negative SA-160 (JP) 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
Sega Genesis (model 2) * Fourth Generation 10V DC 850 mA Tip positive MK-2103 EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? ?
Sega Genesis 3 * Fourth Generation 10V DC 300 mA Tip positive MK-1479 EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? ?
Sega 32X * Fourth Generation 10V DC 850 mA Tip positive MK-2103 EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? Exactly the same as the model 2 Genesis/Mega Drive
Sega CDX * Fourth Generation 9.5V DC 1.5 A Tip positive MK-4122 EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? Do not use the MK-2103 AC adapter as it does not supply enough current
JVC X'Eye * Fourth Generation 9.5V DC 1.5 A Tip positive AA-S95J EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? Same specs as the CDX AC adapter
Sega Game Gear * Fourth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Super Nintendo (US) Fourth Generation 10V DC 850 mA Tip negative SNS-002 6.9 mm x 4.1 mm barrel jack with 0.7 mm inner pin ?
Super Famicom * Fourth Generation 10V DC 850 mA Tip negative HVC-002 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? Exactly the same as the original Famicom
Super Nintendo (PAL) * Fourth Generation 9V AC 1.2 A Not applicable NES-002 5.5 x 2.5 mm barrel jack ? Exactly the same as the PAL NES; the PAL SNES has a charge pump circuit which generates 12V DC for SCART autoswitching, hence the use of an AC power supply
SNK Neo Geo AES * Fourth Generation 5V DC (PRO-POW models only), 10V DC (PRO-POW3/E models only) 3 A (5V), 1 A (10V) Tip negative PRO-POW (5V) NEO-POW3 (10V) 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? Older AES consoles used a regulated 5V DC AC adapter while newer models had an unregulated 10V supply. Be *very* careful!
SNK Neo Geo CD Fourth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Pioneer LaserActive Fourth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Commodore Amiga CD32 Fifth Generation 5V DC, 12V DC ? N/A ? 4-pin DIN ? ?
Panasonic 3DO Fifth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Atari Jaguar * Fifth Generation 9V DC 1.2 A Tip negative 500273/PP-912 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
Atari Jaguar CD * Fifth Generation 9V DC 1.2 A Tip negative 500273/PP-912 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? Exactly the same as the Jaguar itself
Bandai Playdia Fifth Generation 9V DC 850 mA Tip positive BA-002 5.5 x 2.1 mm barrel jack ? ?
Sega Saturn Fifth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C8 Internal power supply; North American consoles have a polarized connector
Sony PlayStation Fifth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU; North American consoles have a polarized connector
Sony PSone Fifth Generation 7.5V DC 2 A Tip positive SCPH-112 (JP), SCPH-113 (US), SCPH-114 (EU), SCPH-115 (UK) EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? Do not use a PS2 slim AC adapter!
NEC PC-FX Fifth Generation Input: 100V AC ? N/A, power cord is hardwired ? N/A ? Internal PSU
Casio Loopy Fifth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Apple Pippin Fifth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Nintendo 64 Fifth Generation 3.3V DC, 12V DC 2.7 A (3.3V), 0.8 A (12V) N/A, entire power supply is designed to only fit one way into the console itself NUS-002 Proprietary connector ? External PSU
Sega Dreamcast Sixth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU; North American consoles have a polarized connector
Sony PlayStation 2 (original) Sixth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU; North American consoles have a polarized connector
Sony PlayStation 2 (slim, SCPH-7xxxx) Sixth Generation Input: 100V-240V AC, Output: 8.5V DC Input: 1.5A, Output: 5.65 A Tip positive SCPH-70100 EIAJ-03 barrel jack ? External PSU
Sony PlayStation 2 (slim, SCPH-9000x) Sixth Generation ? ? N/A ? N/A C8 Internal PSU
VM Labs Nuon Sixth Generation ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Microsoft Xbox Sixth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C7 Internal PSU
Nintendo GameCube Sixth Generation 12V DC 3.25 A N/A, connector is keyed DOL-002 Proprietary connector ? External PSU
Nintendo Wii Seventh Generation 12V DC 3.7 A N/A, connector is keyed RVL-002 Proprietary connector ? External PSU
Microsoft Xbox 360 Seventh Generation Output: 12V DC 16.5 A ? DPSN-186CB-1A ? ? ? Xbox 360 PAL power supply.jpg
Sony PlayStation 3 Seventh Generation Input: 100V-240V AC (most models), 220V-240V AC (early PAL models) ? ? ? ? C14 (original models), C8 (Slim and Super Slim models) Internal PSU; detailed information can be found here.
Nintendo Wii U Eighth Generation 15V DC 5 A N/A, connector is keyed WUP-002 Proprietary connector ? External PSU
Sony PlayStation 4 (original) Eighth Generation Input: 100V-240V AC ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU
Sony PlayStation 4 (slim) Eighth Generation Input: 100V-240V AC ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro Eighth Generation Input: 100V-240V AC ? ? ? ? C17 (CUH-7000 and -7100 models), C8 (CUH-7200 models) Internal PSU
Microsoft Xbox One Eighth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C7 External PSU
Nintendo Switch Eighth Generation ? ? ? ? ? USB-C Must use included USB-C Block Cable to power dock?
Sony PlayStation 5 Ninth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU
Microsoft Xbox Series X Ninth Generation ? ? ? ? ? C8 Internal PSU
