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XBMC4Gamers is a dashboard for the original Xbox made by Rocky5, consisting of a skin, script collection, and some source edits to Xbox Media Center. The other media menus have been largely dummied out in favour of an enhanced software display system.

Its appearance is very similar to the Aurora dashboard for the Xbox 360, or WiiFlow Lite for the Nintendo Wii. Like XBMC-Emustation, it can make use of media files set up by the Xbox Artwork Installer to present covers, screenshots, synopsis data, and video previews for games. The view can be customised, and a variety of themes are available.

Pre-built releases can be downloaded through the official XBMC4Gamers website or the GitHub project page. They can be installed on to a modded Xbox in the same way as any other dashboard.

Hints & Tips

  • XBMC4Gamers is based upon XBMC. The controls are largely the same, with a few new ones listed in the on-screen display.
  • While viewing a list of software titles, press up on your d-pad to customise the layout.
  • Click in your right thumbstick and select Settings to access important features such as the Downloader and File Manager.
  • To have the dashboard display cover art, use the Downloader script to obtain the Xbox Artwork Installer and then run that separate application to distribute media files throughout your game folders. The Downloader also offers a variety of games, emulators, tools, and media files.
  • Other useful scripts are offered within Skin Settings, including a 1.6 compatibility patcher supporting many games which may be mishandled by the Xcalibur video encoder chip.

See Also