N64 Mods Wiki

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Revision as of 20:38, 12 February 2025 by Derf (talk | contribs)
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Nintendo 64 Logo.svg


The Nintendo 64 (N64) is a 64-bit console from the fifth generation of video game consoles. The console was launched in Japan on June 23rd, 1996 followed by North America (September 29th, 1996) and Europe (March 1st, 1997). A floppy drive add-on — the 64DD — was released in Japan on December 13th, 1999. The 64DD also included a modem cartridge to allow access to Randnet, which allowed full internet access and extra features such as message boards and a small online shop.

The N64Brew wiki and N64.dev are great supplemental development-focused resources to this wiki.



Flash Carts

Replacement Parts

3D Printables
